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Development of a Foldable Electric Cultivator


本研究目的為研製一部機體輕量且手把可折疊以方便收納之「折疊式電動中耕機」。所研製之電動中耕機總重45 kg,以直流無刷馬達做動力,23.1V-60Ah 磷酸鋰鐵電池提供電源,附裝中耕除草刀具。以作業刀具運轉做為驅動機體前進;動力由離心式離合器傳至動力傳動軸,再經蝸桿蝸輪減速至耕耘部。所研製之電動中耕機田間作業性能如下:機械作業寬度0.54 m、平均翻土作業深度6.9 cm、機械行走平均速度0.6 m/s、依土壤性質差異機械持續平均作業時間為77 min,而平均連續作業面積約1,855 m^2。使用普羅尼制動測功計,量測之耕耘軸輸出扭力值為6 kg-m,依此估算之電動中耕機動力最高效率為45%。比較汽油引擎及電動中耕機之每公頃田間作業能源成本及碳排放,所研製之電動中耕機,其能源成本為汽油引擎中耕機之15.05%,而CO_2 排放量為汽油引擎中耕機之31.15%,亦即所研製之電動中耕機相較於傳統汽油引擎中耕機,其節能減碳效果較佳,具環保優勢。


The objective of this study was to develop a foldable electric cultivator, which was equipped with a light framework and fordable operating handles for convenient storage. The developed foldable electric cultivator was driven by a DC brushless motor which was charged by a 23.1 V-60 Ah LiFePO4 battery. The rolling of the cultivation blades also provided the forward movements power for the cultivator. Power transferred through a centrifugal clutch to a transmission shaft, then speeded down by worms and transmitted to the weeding part. Results of the field performances of the cultivator were as follows, the working width, working depth, working speed and individual cruising range were 0.54 m, 6.9 cm, 0.6 m s^(-1), and 70-90 min, respectively. The cultivator weighted 45 kg, and could continually work 77 min along with the working area of 1855 m^2 when the batteries were fully charged. The torque and the electricity efficiency of the developed cultivator measured by the Prony Brake Dynamometer were 6 kg-m and 45%, respectively. The cultivator had a 15.05% lower energy cost than that of the traditional tiller. Besides, it showed a reduction of CO_2 emission of 31.15% compared to the traditional gasoline engine cultivator. The results indicate that the developed foldable electric cultivator performed better on energy saving and carbon reduction when compared to the gasoline engine cultivator.
