  • 期刊


An Examination of the Study of Lushichunqiu in the Qing Dynasty-Evaluation of Wu Ang Ju"Revision Notes on Luzi" (Du Lu Zi Bi Ji Bu Ding)




"Revision Notes on Luzi" (Du Lu Zi Bi Ji Bu Ding) , written by Wu Ang Ju during the DaoGuang era of the Qing Dynasty, is recorded in Yan Ling Feng "ZhouQinHanWei Zhu zi zhi jian shu mu". The manuscript version is now kept in the FuSiNian Library which has not gained much attention by researchers who study Lushichunqiu. In recent years, "Zihaizhenbenbian" (2013) and "FuSiNian Tushuguan Cang WeiKan Gaochaoben.Zibu" (2016) were published, and this provides an opportunity for us to read the Wu's research findings. This book investigates Lushichunqiu based on ChaShenXing's study on the textual variants between Liji and Lushichunqiu and his other relevant notes, which have been kept in "De Shu Lou Za Chao". Wu Ang Ju cited the commentary of Bi Yuan (1789), including Lu Wen Chao and Liang Yu Sheng, to support the study of Cha Shen Xing. This article will first compare both "Du Lu Zi Bi Ji Bu Ding" and "De Shu Lou Za Chao" so as to reveal the bibliological value of Wu's book. Second, analyze the features of Wu's writing in order to supplement the study of Lushichunqiu in the Qing Dynasty.


(清)于敏中、彭元瑞等著;徐德明標點:《天祿琳琅書目》(上海:上海古籍出版社,2007 年)
(清)王引之:《經義述聞》(南京:江蘇古籍出版社,1985 年)
(清)吳昂駒:《讀呂子筆記補訂》(清道光二十二年﹝1842 年﹞手稿本),載邱仲麟主編:《傅斯年圖書館藏未刊稿鈔本》(第十三冊,臺北:中央研究院歷史研究所,2016 年)
(清)查慎行:《得樹樓雜鈔》(民國五年﹝1916 年﹞《適園叢書》本,揚州:江蘇廣陵古籍刻印社,1986 年)
(清)查慎行著、范道濟點校:《查慎行全集》(北京:中華書局,2017 年)
