  • 期刊


Primary Study on Physical Cognition and Language in Inspection Books of the Song Dynasty: Using Terms of Lower Extremity in "Xi Yuan Ji Lu" as Examples




Due to differences of views on body, the names and parts of the same person's body parts in ancient and modern times can vary. In a complicated human body system, the lower extremity shows specific levels, detailed codes, and high complexity, which reflect an overall phenomenon. In comparison to other parts, it is a proper medium to observe physical cognition. This study focuses on "Xi Yuan Ji Lu", which is an inspection book in the Song Dynasty, because the book is systematic, organized, and properly recorded the parts of the human body and pictured ancient people's human body images in great detail. We found that codes of lower extremity in "Xi Yuan Ji Lu" fully demonstrate the operation of cognition, such as metaphors among the lower extremity, upper extremity and body; the terms for the lower extremity are metonymy of bones, while they also show ambiguous names. The value of the lower extremity system in the book is shown as follows: (1) It reveals diversity with a combination between historic and new terms, and general language and dialect. (2) It records numerous terms of leg and foot to analyze the difference and similarity as traces of competition. (3) The human body term "four parts of body" is followed by an inspection paper in the Song Dynasty and a body record and body picture in a later period. It is a blueprint for inspection. Based on this blueprint, the follow-up generations indicate lower extremity parts, which require further examination.


臺灣開明書店斷句:《周禮》(臺北:臺灣開明書店,1991 年,《斷句十三經經文》)。
臺灣開明書店斷句:《周易》(臺北:臺灣開明書店,1991 年,《斷句十三經經文》)。
陳奇猷校注:《韓非子》(北京:中華書局,1958 年)。
(漢)班固撰,(唐)顏師古注:《漢書》(臺北:鼎文書局,王先謙漢書補注本,1986 年)。
(漢)許慎撰,(清)段玉裁注:《說文解字注》(高雄:復文圖書出版社,2004年 4 月)。
