  • 期刊


The Civilized and the Uncivilized-the Exotic Images in "Xiao Shuo Lin"




小說林叢錄 異國形象 文野 紀實 記異


In "Xiao Shuo Lin", "tsong-lu" mostly described the exotic images in using "documentary" strokes to "record new things", but in this technique of writing, translators had implied the critic about "world powers" and "the uncivilized" between them. After the Eight-Nation Alliance, world powers are concerned by the late Qing Dynasty. Although the invention of all kinds of artifacts and institutional, it still can not stop many casualties in the war. On the one hand, the translators praised the civilized powers. On the other hand, they ignored the casualties caused by the war. In addition, the translators of "tsong-lu" did not completely accept for the revolutions, so it reflects the different attitude to revolutions in "Xiao Shuo Lin". Although uncivilized people have some superstitions, there also exist women's rights that different from European and American feminist, although translators did not comment on this phenomenon of civilized or not. The concerns about foreign countries in the late Qing of China was still visible, and some particular issues that translators concerned (such as feminism, revolution, etc.) .In addition, there is no negative evaluation for primitive peoples about their lifestyles, and translators maintain its consistent objective strokes. It is also in line with the style of "tsong-lu" itself. Therefore, to study "tsong-lu" in "Xiao Shuo Lin", is helpful to understand the exotic images that except in fictions in the late Qing. We do not just see the exotic as "others" to imitate, but based on the fact that generated by foreign news, and translators also accepted foreign information from these news to judge if China is civilized or uncivilized. Due to the formation of different genres, "tsong-lu" played a role that differs from imagination of fiction, and it is "real".


朱芯儀:《冷眼觀:晚清《小說林》的敘事與觀看》,南投:國立暨南國際大學中國語文學系碩士論文,2010 年7 月。
李又寧、張玉法主編:《近代中國女權運動史料:1842-1911》,臺北:傳記文學社,1975 年。
