  • 期刊


Luther's Teachings on Marriage and Family


Luther believed that it was God's intended design for man and woman to marry, to procreate, and to set up God's households. The station of marriage and household is one of the three basic vocational orders that God instituted from the beginning. When God's Word reigns in each household, God's sovereignty is confirmed everywhere. In this sense, the Christian household is considered as the essential unit for both the church and the society. In his Genesis lectures (1535-1545), Luther offered some practical and insightful suggestions on how to apply God's Word to marriage and household life. After all, the chief purpose to establish the station of marriage and household is to underscore the centrality of God's Word in the family setting. Through the stories of the Jewish patriarchs, Luther illustrated that God's reign through His Word means that the human agents that God appointed were to receive the respect that they deserve. In this way, God is exalted and honored in the choosing of one's mate, in everyday married life, and in disciplining children.


