  • 期刊
  • OpenAccess

Modeling of Littoral Sandstones Reveal Variance in Reservoir Flow Patterns: An Example from Nyalau Formation, East Malaysia


Modeling of littoral sandstone reservoirs are challenging due to different scales of heterogeneities. This study introduces an improved understanding of internal structures of sandstone and the way heterogeneities in facies distribution can affect variance in reservoir flow pattern. The methodology presented in this study is based on outcrop study of the Nyalau Formation from Sarawak, East Malaysia and modeling; from selection and data collection, to facies distribution, bedding and gridding, assigning permeability to each cell within the grid in order to obtain a flow pattern utilizing PetroModR software at reservoir depth condition. The final model were analyzed both statically and dynamically. Static examination involved visual inspection and extraction of quantitative data on different sandstone facies, including lateral and vertical distribution of sandstone and mudstone. Dynamic investigation involves simulating fluid flow through different sets of facies to understand how it behaves in terms of reservoir condition. The model also designates that more homogeneous cross-stratified sandstone facies show persistent spatial correlation of permeability and porosity that align with the cross-bedded orientation or straight. Whereas, in more heterolithic sandstone, lateral variations in permeability show spatially non-correlated patterns over centimeters to tens of meters. These variations reflect the lateral juxtaposition of flow behavior. This can improve the general reservoir modeling processes by using accurate spatial data with minimizing the error sources at each processing stages.
