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A Primary research in the Popular Music of Miaoli Hakka-Example of Hard Necked Hakka Rock Orchestra


客家現代流行音樂的誕生,同出於台灣客家語言所面臨的消失的困境。當時限播地方語言節目並鼓勵使用國語(即北京話)的社會環境下,電視頻道播送的清一色都是國語流行歌曲,閩南語節目雖然受惠於擁有廣大群眾的支持,卻也面臨屢遭打壓的局面,客家語言因為使用族群數少,不但沒有專屬電視節目,連一首客家歌曲也聽不到。這樣的無奈感嘆,伴隨當時族群語言發展的種種限制,直到1981年陽光合唱團推出第一支客語專輯《無緣》之後,這個困境才被打破。硬頸暢流客家搖滾樂團,是台灣第一支標榜專唱客家搖滾歌曲的流行樂團,這支樂團承襲吳盛智當年留下來的硬頸又反骨的香火,以「山歌何以不能Rock & Roll?」為自己提出詰辯,一團5人從此埋入客家流行音樂創作與表演達17年之久。然而,根源於台灣流行音樂巿場的區隔性以及台灣政府在政策上的長期漠視與打壓,使得客家流行音樂發展30年來始終無法進入台灣主流音樂巿場,並不斷面臨邊緣再邊緣的困境。本研究以個案研究的方式深入訪談探究,希望找出可行的策略方案,協助客家流行音樂繼續在台發展。


Hakka's modern pop music comes out at the same period which Hakka language is nearly disappearing in Taiwan. In the social environment where local language programs were restricted and Mandarin language was encouraged, the TV channels were all popular in Mandarin. The Taiwanese programs benefited from the support of the masses, but they were also repeatedly suppressed. In the situation, the Hakka language uses a small number of ethnic groups. Not only does it have no exclusive TV programs, but also none of the songs are Hakka be heared. It kept helpless with the limitations of the development of ethnic languages until 1981 Sunshine Choir launched the first guest album "Speechless", this dilemma was broked the restriction. The hard-necked Hakka Rock Band is the first popular orchestra in Taiwan to sing Hakka rock songs. This band inherits the hard-necked and anti-bone incense that Wu Shengzhi left in the past, "Why can't the Hakka songs be Rock & Roll?" He made a sophistry, a group of five people buried in Hakka pop music creation and performance for 17 years. However, the fragmentation of Taiwan's popular music market and the long-term indifference and suppression of the Taiwan government's policies have made it impossible for Hakka pop music to revolute the mainstream music market in Taiwan for 30 years, and it is constantly come out with new popular. This article explores the way of case study and hopes to find a feasible strategy to help Hakka pop music continue to develop in Taiwan.
