  • 期刊


Assessing Taiwanese Language Maintenance from Primary and Junior High School Students' Taiwanese Language Use




As Taigi speaker is the majority ethnic group in Taiwan and its language is frequently used in society, it seems unlikely that Taiwanese language is undergoing the crisis of language shift. However, as long as the language fails to be passed from one generation to the next generation, it becomes endangered even though both parents are mother tongue users. The paper attempts to assess the degree of Taiwanese language maintenance by analyzing data from primary and junior high school students' Taiwanese language use. Data are collected from areas in northern, central, southern, and eastern Taiwan. Questionnaires are conducted to examine Taiwanese language use of primary and junior high school students in three main domains: home, out-of-home and everyday activities. In total 40 schools are investigated, 3,569 copies of questionnaire are distributed and 2,973 copies of valid questionnaire are retrieved. Results show that students seldom use Taiwanese language in home domain, and the intergenerational transmission of their mother tongue is impeded. The degree of Taiwanese language use in out-of-home domains is even worse. Neither community nor school provides mother tongue friendly environments so that students infrequently use Taiwanese language in their everyday activities. As Mandarin makes inroad into both traditional and new domains, Taiwanese language use is rapidly shrinking nearly in every domain. The paper concludes with a suggestion for providing home, community and school mother tongue friendly environments and opportunity to use and learn Taiwanese language.


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