  • 期刊


Mechanical Safety Risk Assessment of Tracked Stair-Climbing Device Relative to National Standards




爬梯機 安全性 行動輔具


The demand for assistive technology derived from the ageing population and the need for long-term care in Taiwan reflect the importance of assistive services. As assistive technology and devices continue to develop, it is necessary to ensure user safety and product quality through the setting of standards. There are about 4.7 million apartments in Taiwan that are over 20 years old. More often than not, disabled people and the elderly who live in such old apartments cannot go up and down the stairs by themselves. This makes climbing devices an important class of assistive equipment. Climbing devices for wheelchairs are suitable for the elderly and those who have difficulty moving from one place to another, making the safety of the products they use very important. Therefore, the second-grade medical equipment in the United States is a high-risk medical device. The US FDA requires such products to be assessed for risks such as stability, misuse, falls, and fall-related injuries. Such risks are assessed by standard performance tests. The main purpose of this research is to examine the safety and functionality of mobility aids through the ladder safety quality assessment and inspection methods. Based on the data collection and analysis, the safety assessment test project is established and the current standard was found to be insufficient to meet the current situation.
