  • 期刊


Smart Shower: A Clean and Convenient Bathing Accessory




老人 沐浴輔具 身體清潔


Accidental damage ranks as the sixth cause of death, and falls by elderly is the second biggest cause of accidental damage. Usually, falls by elderly occur in bathrooms. Due to the aging process, elderly persons may experience decreased muscle mass and strength, as well as limited joint movement. This increases their risk of falling in the bathroom when they take a shower. This product is designed as a bended shower head, which can be beneficial to the elderly to clean their back and toes without changing their bodily positions. In this way, its use decreases the risk of falling for the elderly, and enhance s their ability to self-clean. Due to time and budget limitations, we could not make a sample for exhibition. In the future, we plan to produce the shower head on a large scale so as to reduce costs and help prevent falls by elderly falls in the bathroom.
