  • 期刊



目的:本研究探討女性在穿著不同鞋跟高度之人體步態分析。方法:研究參與者為10位女性,年齡為21.50±1.18歲,身高158±3.26公分,體重55.90±5.13公斤。10位參與研究者分別穿著2.5公分、4.5公分、7公分與9公分的鞋跟高度下在跑步機上行走,先將14顆反光球黏貼在研究參與者各關節點上作為標記,並用4架高速攝影機(60Hz)擷取全身肢段的運動學參數,最後以Kinema Tracer 3D動作分析系統(KISSEI COMTEC)作分析。結果:(一)不同鞋跟高度下膝關節角度未達統計水準。(二)不同鞋跟高度下踝關節角度,0公分>2.5公分>4.5公分>7公分>9公分。(三)不同鞋跟高度下髖關節角度未達統計水準。(四)不同鞋跟高度下軀幹角度,0公分>2.5公分>4.5公分>7公分>9公分。結論:(一)人體間不同次系統,隨著控制參數介入,造成次系統自我重組,而改變動作型態。(二)量化的統計結果無法呈現個體各關節移動過程,透過相平面圖來解釋動作型態上的差異情形。(三)在穿著不同鞋跟高度時,因為鞋跟高度增加,踝關節角度也增加,間接影響身體軀幹角度,隨著鞋跟高度的增加,使得人體會有向前傾的情形。


步態 相平面 高跟鞋


Purpose: The purpose of this study was to determine the gait analysis of female with different heel heights. Method: The experiment subjects are 10 female adults(age: 21.50±1.18 years old; height: 158.11±3.26 cm; weight: 55.90±5.13 kg) wearing with four different high heels(2.5cm, 4.5cm, 7cm and 9cm) to walk on a treadmill. Marking each participant with 14 reflective spheres and using the Kinema Tracer 3D motion analysis system (KISSEI COMTEC), which is linked with four high speed cameras (60Hz), participant’s kinematic movements are captured and recorded. Results: (1) There was no significant different in the different heel heights of knee joint angle. (2)With the different heel heights of ankle joint angle, 0cm>2.5cm>4.5cm>7cm>9cm. (3) There was no significant different in the different heel heights of hip angle, (4)With the different heel heights of trunk angle, 0cm>2.5cm>4.5cm>7cm>9cm. Conclusions: (1)A human's subsystems use self-organization, changing the state of the movement during which the effect controls parameters. (2)The quantitative results could not show the movement of the joint so the study which used the phase plane for explaining the variations in the mode of movement. (3)When females wear the different heel heights shoes, the ankle joint angle and trunk angle all increase with the heel heights. That causes the body to lean forward.


Gait Phase Plane Heel Heights
