  • 期刊





This study investigated the game of Chinese Taipei against Thailand in the semi-finals of the top eight teams(cross-over method adopted) in 2011Asian Women's Volleyball Championship. Through watching the videotape of the game between Chinese Taipei and Thailand, the researchers carefully observed and recorded the data of five game skills-serving balls, receiving balls, spiking, blocking, and defence. Then, all the performance data of five skills were constructed by the computer for further analysis. The data, after the process of evaluation, categorization, and arrangement, were analyzed by means of descriptive statistics and independent-sample T test to verify whether there were any significant differences among them. After having gone through the discussion of the findings, some conclusions could be obtained. First of all, if some basic qualifications were compared, the players of Chinese Taipei were better than those of Thailand in terms of age and average height of blocking while both teams were even in the matter of height, weight, average height of attack point. Secondly, one finding showed that there were significant differences(P<.05)in the part of serving balls of Chinese Taipei if compared with Thailand. The major reason was that there was less technique variation for Chinese Taipei than for Thailand in terms of service motions and movements of serving place. However, there was no significant difference between both teams in regard to getting scores by virtue of service. In the first set, Chinese Taipei got eight service faults while Thailand got only four. Thirdly, both teams did not reach any significant differences in serving and receiving balls. Fourthly, there were no differences for both teams with respect to spiking, attacking strategies, and scoring performance. Fifthly, both teams were even in getting scores by the action of blocking. Finally, so far as defence was concerned, both teams in the third set reached significant differences(P<.05)in the defence position but not in scoring performance. This indicated that both teams were even in terms of defence ability and skills.
