  • 期刊
  • OpenAccess

Urban Expansion and Its Influences on the Suburban Land Use Change in Jakarta Metropolitan Region (JABODETABEK)


The recent urbanization process in emerging countries is entirely different from the process seen in developed countries. In Asia's emerging countries, urbanization occurs along with fast population growth that follows rapid economic development, and industries and population are centralized into large cities. One typical example of this centralization is seen in the Jakarta Metropolitan Region (JABODETABEK). In this study, the satellite remote sensing images, as well as the existing GIS data, were integrated to generate temporal (2001 and 2009) land use/cover maps which could be used to understand the recent expansion of urban areas and the spatial changes in land use of the suburbs (suburban farmlands). Those are also used to analyze land use with a landscape ecological patch analysis, and to explain land use change from traditional agricultural farmlands to urban areas due to the sprawling phenomenon, which indicates chaotic urban expansion. The result shows that urban land use was rapidly expanded to suburban areas. Agriculture and forest lands were mainly converted into urban land use, and urban and traditional agriculture landscapes were, consequently, extremely mixed. An analysis using landscape metrics also quantitatively revealed that the mixture of land uses and the fragmentation of agricultural landscapes widely existed in the suburban areas at a patch level.
