  • 期刊


An Innovation of Self-service Business Model: Improving the Accessibility and Convenience of Library Patrons




Thanks to the improvement of information technology and precision machines, much space and more opportunities for innovation have been allowed in models for library management. In particular, self-service technology is an innovative operation strategy which is worth exploring. In regard to public space, designers should try to keep the space open and to combine or make a balance between different functions of the space so as to reflect the diversity of the community, provide healthy entertainments for the public, create positive value in the city and offer the public a free venue where they can freely express their thoughts and opinions. The self-service library system developed by this research not only allows readers to borrow, reserve, pick up and return book directly, but can also retrieve books. The system, integrated with the Radio Frequency Identification technology and an automated system that uses a robotic arm, can handle tasks ranging from borrowing, adding, returning and replacing books. The system is composed of a main control shelf and several book shelves adopting a modular design. The main shelf can be freely combined with one to three book shelves in order to be suitable for different types of public space. The system can be installed in other appropriate public space other than the area of this library. This will not only expand the service area and operation hours of the library, increase public space accessibility and apply self-service technology, but also connect to the entire library information system.


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