  • 期刊


Essay on the anthtropological thinkings of holistic education




人學 全人教育 通識教育


"Humanity" is the reflection of people their own from the highest level of the philosophy - It requires generalizations about people based their achievement on natural science (anthropology, life sciences, medicine, psychology, etc.) and social science (literature, history, political science, law, ethics, economics, etc.). It clarifies the basic principal of "what man is" and "how to be one". Furthermore, "humanity" is the study of human existence, human nature and human nature, human activities and development as a whole. It is the basic principles of learning in the value of life, purpose, roads, etc. There are very rich and diverse outcomes from philosophy, theology, psychology, sociology or natural sciences in Taiwan's current research on "human science". In other words, the content and meaning of "humanity" have been discussed in a variety of disciplines and research. In recent years, more and more attention is received by the "whole person" (Holistic) education, but it is unable to be decoupled with the "human science". The main reason is due to these two concepts are mostly based on "people" as the research object and purpose - the academic areas of the "humanity" are mostly limited and defined in the "humanities". Therefore, it starts to have differences in the "psychological-and-educational-emphasized" holistic education. The theme of this research paper is to emphasize that "humanity" should be the foundation of holistic education through the discussion in the concerned issues of "humanity" and the majority of the classical content; through theoretical foundation, its local significance and times. Besides, the value and meaning of "humanity" are enough to complement and extend the theory of holistic education. Meanwhile, the contemporary scientific research on a variety of new issues and thinking in man or humanity can also be used to be the development and interpretation of holistic education era.
