  • 期刊
  • OpenAccess

Integration of singularity and zonality methods in preparation of prospectivity map of blind mineralization


Fractal and multifractal singularity are the techniques for detection of depletion and enrichment of elements in geochemical exploration. On the other hand, the index of vertical geochemical zonality (Vz) of Pb.Zn/Cu.Ag is a practical method for exploration of blind porphyry copper mineralization. In this study, these methods are combined for recognition, delineation, and enrichment of Vz in Jebal- Barez in southern Iran. The studied area is located in the Shar-E-Babak-Bam ore field in the southern part of the Central Iranian volcano–plutonic magmatic arc. The region has a semiarid climate, mountainous topography, and a poor vegetation cover. Seven hundred samples of stream sediments were taken from the region. Geochemical data subset represent a total drainage basin area. Samples were analyzed for Cu, Zn, Ag, Pb, Au, W, As, Hg, Ba, Bi by atomic absorption method. Prospectivity map for blind mineralization in this area was prepared. The results are in agreement with previous studies in the region. Kerver was detected as the main blind mineralization in Jebal- Barez which was previously intersected by drilled boreholes in the exploration process. In this research, it was demonstrated that employing the singularity method for zonality separation of geochemical anomalies, as opposed using the singularity of elements, improves prospectivity mapping.
