  • 期刊


Spatial Distribution Patterns and Optimal Sample Size of Arthropod Feeding Guilds on Eggplant


本文欲比較施藥與不施藥茄園重要害蟲蟎的族群變動並探討共食群概念應用在蟲害管理之可行性。本研究於臺中市大里區2 塊茄園進行調查,一為不施藥田,另一塊為施藥田。每週採樣未展開葉、展開葉、花等樣本回實驗室檢視害蟲蟎種類,鑑定至科級,部分鑑定至總科或亞科,並計數數量。再依口器分為咀嚼式 (chewer)、吸收式昆蟲 (sucking insects)、吸收式蟎類(sucking mites) 及內吸收式昆蟲 (internal sucker) 等4 類共食群 (feeding guild)。施藥區內未展開葉與展開葉上以吸收式蟎類為主,花及果萼則以吸收式昆蟲占最多。不施藥區未展開葉上以吸收式蟎類的豐量最高,吸收式昆蟲在展開葉、花及果萼上分布最多,而內吸收式昆蟲僅發生在展開葉上。以Iwao’s m*-m regression 及Taylor’s power law 2 種方法分析結果顯示,吸收式蟎類以逢機型分布為主,而吸收式昆蟲則為聚集型分布。利用Taylor’s power law 來估算各別族群及不同共食群在平均密度每葉5 ~ 200 隻個體時的最適取樣數。當展開葉上平均密度達10 隻時,調查薊馬時需取257 片,蚜蟲需649 片,粉蝨需209 片;以共食群合計後,估算吸收式昆蟲密度的最適取樣數降為123 片葉。從同時防治的角度來看,若以共食群為主要取樣依據,分類群(taxa) 為輔,不僅減少鑑定害蟲至種的時間,在進行密度估算及評估防治時機時,亦可以減少取樣數,節省時間與人力。


茄子 共食群 空間分布 取樣


This study compared the composition of key pest communities in two eggplant fields: one that had been treated with pesticides and one that had not. We also sought to determine whether classifying pests according to feeding guild was useful for integrated pest management applications. Spire leaves, expanded leaves, and flowers were collected weekly, and the insects and mites they contained were inspected and classified in the laboratory. Specifically, we recorded the family and superfamily or subfamily. Insects and mites were then further classified into one of four feeding guilds according to mouthpart type, including chewers, sucking-insects, sucking-mites, and internal suckers. Results indicated that suckingmites were most abundant on spire leaves; sucking-insects were usually found on expanded leaves, flowers and fruit calyxes; and internal suckers always occurred on expanded leaves. Results from Iwao's m*-m regression and Taylor's power law showed that sucking-mites had a random distribution pattern and sucking-insects had a clustered distribution pattern. When calculating the optimal sample size that is sufficient for effective decision-making in pest management according to Taylor's power law, if an expanded leaf contains 10 individuals, then 257, 649, and 209 leaves are needed to sample for Thripidae, Aphididae, and Aleyrodidae, respectively. Conversely, when feeding guild is used, if there are 10 suckinginsects on an expanded leaf, then the estimated sample size is 123 leaves. These results indicate that the optimal sample size is lower for feeding guild than for single populations. This finding suggests that applications related to pest density monitoring and pest control decision making can use feeding guild in place of single pests.
