

This article is the result of a research on radicalism in Indonesia. Radicalism is an extreme act carried out by certain people or groups. Radical movements use the potential of human resources to mobilize members, create networks, coordinate activities, and motivate people to create conflict and confrontation. The radicalism movement can be manifested in active fighting for ideals by developing and intensifying issues about politics counter-discourse or counter-domination of the state and society. Radicalism studies are needed as a first step to model responses, whether carried out by the government or community institutions. This article uses a virtual ethnographic methodology. The process is by tracing the digital footprint of religious organizations' views on radicalism, in this case, specifically the views of Nahdlatul Ulama, Muhammadiyah, and Persatuan Islam (PERSIS). The analytical approach uses rational-emotive counseling diagnosis. The results of this study are expected to contribute to the parties concerned about the model of prevention of radicalism in the counseling analysis approach.
