  • 學位論文


How the Party of Power was Tempered? United Russia and Authoritarian Resilience

指導教授 : 張佑宗


俄羅斯聯邦作為第三波民主化浪潮下威權國家屹立不搖的代表之一,同時作為過去蘇聯的核心,其民主化程度與表現有著指標性的參考價值。然而自2000年以降長期由支持總統的「權力黨」—「統一俄羅斯黨」把持國會多數,致使反對派在政黨政治中遭到邊緣化,更進而限縮其他政治菁英角逐總統的可能性,形成行政權與立法權長期掌握在同一派菁英手中的結果。俄羅斯逐步「滑入威權」並更遠超過執政者長期在位的「穩固威權」檢證標準,甚至在一度歷經政權危機後再次於國會中掌握憲政多數,體現其威權已然形成「威權韌性」。實際上,「統一俄羅斯黨」並非俄羅斯第一個「權力黨」,其之所以得以在當代俄羅斯政治中享有一黨獨大地位,與過去歷代「權力黨」運作及歷史背景息息相關。因此,本研究透過許多俄文的一手與二手資料,以政黨政治環境、政黨運作模式、政黨暨選舉法規修改與選舉結果作為主軸,回顧1993-2016年間7屆國家杜馬選舉,以試圖釐清「權力黨」對俄羅斯政治的影響,並分析「統一俄羅斯黨」在俄羅斯走入威權與維繫威權韌性中的角色。 本研究首先以葉爾欽時期的三個「權力黨」—「俄羅斯選擇黨」、「我們的家園–俄羅斯黨」、「團結黨」釐清此一特殊政黨型態在當代俄羅斯政黨政治中扮演的角色與功能,並回顧「統一俄羅斯黨」的建立過程與歷史背景,進而檢視其如何藉由長期握有國會多數的優勢修改相關法規,形塑對其有利的政黨政治與選舉環境,致使俄羅斯「滑入威權」並享有長達近20年之久的國會多數,在選舉威權體制中邊緣化反對勢力,並構築起威權韌性的高牆。


Being as one of the most longstanding authoritarian regimes amongst third wave nations, as well as past core of the USSR, Russian Federation and its democratic performance provide valuable information when considering democratization. Nevertheless, since the 2000s State Duma has long been held in the hands of the 'party of power' - United Russia. Opposition parties and political figures are confined in an uneven playing field while the power of administration and legislation excessively centralize in the ruling elites. Russia gradually slid into authoritarianism and became a stable authoritarian regime. With United Russia regaining constitutional majority once again after 2011-2013 Winter Revolution shows the authoritarian resilience in overcoming regime crisis in Russia. Looking backwards, United Russia is not the first 'party of power' that ever existed. In order to understand how this party enjoys overwhelming advantage in contemporary Russia, one must take a thorough review of its predecessors and past events. This papers reviews 7 Duma Elections between 1993-2016 and analyzes the political environment, party system, institutional configurations and electoral performances around the 'parties of power'. Firstly, in understanding how 'parties of power' shape contemporary Russia and contribute to its authoritarian resilience, we trace back to Russia's Choice, Our Home - Russia and Unity in Yeltsin times. In the following, we examine the party building of United Russia and how it gained majority through co-optation of elites. Finally, we analyze how United Russia dominates State Duma for nearly 2 decades through electoral institutional engineering in shaping an advantageous political and electoral environment while marginalizing oppositions.


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洪美蘭,2008,〈從轉型政策效應論獨協國家 之顏色革命〉,《東吳政治學報》,26(3):149-196。
