  • 學位論文


Hyperpycnal delta morphodynamics in finite length valleys: theoretical, experimental and field study

指導教授 : 卡艾瑋




In this thesis, the main research goal is to study hyperpycnal delta progradation in finite length reservoirs, under both constant and time-varying boundary conditions. The upstream to downstream morphological evolution is analyzed using field investigation, laboratory experiments, and numerical modeling. For the field study, we investigated the Wushe Reservoir in Nantou County, Taiwan. The experiments were performed using a one-dimensional tank with inclined bedrock and a downstream mesh dam that traps sand while letting gravity currents flow out. For the numerical model, a two-diffusion theory was adopted, with calibrated non-linear transport relations along the topset and foreset. The results show that the upstream water and sand inflows influence greatly the topset slope, and the downstream water level evolution controls the location of the delta shoreline and the resulting slope break. Both observations apply in complex conditions (time-varying boundary conditions) as well as simple cases (constant boundary conditions). For large water and sand inflows (Q/J>=30), subaqueous sand waves form along the delta foreset.


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