  • 學位論文

一個硬體代工廠商如何轉型成雲端服務導向的企業: 雲端遊戲服務個案研究

How ODM Hardware Based Corporate Make Transition to Soft-as-a-Service Based Company: Cloud Gaming Market Case Study

指導教授 : 孫雅麗


經過多年市場的起起伏伏,雲端遊戲(cloud gaming)再度受到矚目,主要歸功於雲端產業的生態系統漸漸完整。Sony,Square Enix和Nvidia分別在2014年推出PlayStation Now,DIVE IN,以及Grid服務。 本論文主要是從一個傳統的台灣硬體代工廠商的角度探討這個產業所需要的核心技術,以及雲端遊戲服務商商業模式和產業鏈的優劣。試著從這些盤點,找出一條台灣硬體ODM廠商可以切入的方向。 即時數位串流的中介軟體,及GPU虛擬化是雲端遊戲最重要的技術也是台灣ODM場最欠缺的一環。本文嘗試探討與市場上技術領先的廠商合作或者採用開放軟體來提升自己的能力的可能性,讓一個硬體的代工廠商可以整合成一個完整解決方案(turnkey solution)的業者 最後試著提出可能的商業模式從提供雲端遊戲硬體為基礎,嘗試與區域的電信業者或數位內容業者合作,提出雲端遊戲完整解決方案。


Cloud gaming is getting popular because cloud gaming ecosystem is more and more mature. Sony promoted his PlayStationNow service via Gaika technology in 2014. Square Enix and nividia also provided their Dive IN and GRID service in the same year. This thesis tried to evaluate the cloud gaming’s core technology, supplier chain and business model from Taiwan ODM based hardware corporate point of view. Then study if any chance Taiwan ODM could step in this market. Real time video streaming middleware and GPU virtualization is the key technology in cloud gaming industry which is also the weakness of Taiwan ODM corporate. How to partner with industial leader or leverage open source to enhance video steaming middleware capability, then build up cloud gaming turnkey solution to customer is also evaluated in this thesis. Lastly, try to provide B2B business model with clould gaming turnkey solution for telecom and content service provider to create win-win situation.


1.Chun-Ying Huang, Cheng-Hsin Hsu, Yu-Chun Chang, and Kuan-Ta Chen “ Gaming Anywhere” An Open Cloud Gaming System”
2.Ryan Shea and Jiangchuan Liu, “ Cloud Gaming Architecture and Performance”
3.Seong-Ping Chuah, Chau Yuen, and Ngai-Man Cheung “Cloud Gaming: A Green Solution To Massive Multiplayer online Games”
4.何錦泉 “遊戲雲端支商樣模式-以Onlive,Gaikai即G-cluster為例”
12.Wei Cai, Victor C.M Leung and Min Chen “Next Generation Mobile Cloud Gaming”
