  • 學位論文


A New Multiple-Frequency Small-Signal Model for High-Bandwidth Computer V-Core Voltage Regulator Applications

指導教授 : 陳德玉


本論文提出一新型多頻小訊號模型可應用於具定頻電壓模式控制之高頻寬直流電壓調節器。本論文使用描述函數(Describing Function, DF)之方法來建構非線性PWM之模型,不僅考量調變頻率(或擾動頻率)fm,更進一步把切換頻率fs以及第一對帶頻成份(差頻fs-fm與和頻fs+fm)對於PWM調變之影響亦一併考量於此模型中。本論文已成功藉由電腦模擬與硬體實驗之方式來驗證所提新型小訊號模型之準確度。再者,此模型之實際蘊涵也一併討論。 相較於既有的兩種小訊號模型(平均模型與雙頻模型),本論文所提之新型小訊號模型更加精確,尤其當控制頻寬對切換頻率之比值較高的情況。 針對最新暨未來世代的電腦核心電壓調節器之應用,此模型俾能提供一重要工具用於設計系統之回授電路,並能進一步用於容忍度分析。


A new multi-frequency small-signal model for high bandwidth constant-frequency voltage-mode (CFVM) DC voltage regulator is proposed in this dissertation. Describing function (DF) approach is taken to model the duty-cycle modulator, incorporating the effects of not only the modulating frequency fm, the switching frequency fs, but also the two sideband frequencies fs-fm and fs+fm. The new model is significantly more accurate than the two existing small-signal models, the average model and the two-frequency model, especially when the ratio of control bandwidth to switching frequency is high. The model is verified by computer simulations and hardware experiments. Discussions of practical implications of the model are also given. The model provides an essential tool for designing the feedback system for DC power converters for the latest and the future generations of computer V-Core voltage regulator applications. Furthermore, it can be used for tolerance analysis in a mass-production situation.


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