  • 學位論文


A Study on Deterring Policies of Dead Hog Illegal Marketing in Taiwan

指導教授 : 陳政位


豬肉為國人重要蛋白質來源,其安全與國人健康密切相關。由於國內持續發生豬肉殘留抗生素及斃死豬肉供人食用案件,使消費者對豬肉品質存疑,如何提高豬肉安全實需深入探討改進。本研究針對國內豬肉安全制度架構進行探討,先架設出豬肉安全法規並找出豬肉安全相關之產業計畫,瞭解目前豬肉安全制度執行現況後,找出斃死豬犯罪可能管道及因應辦法。透過文獻回顧瞭解食品產業對食品安全議題之探討找出以往解決豬肉安全研究方向,並嘗試透過污染防治文獻及犯罪經濟學文獻,找出合適的廠商經營模型供斃死豬肉生產行為分析及政府應採取何種政策解決斃死豬問題。 本研究透過「司法院法學資料檢索系統」搜集1998-2007年各地方法院對斃死豬案件之判決,及利用「農委會」、「財團法人中央畜產會」、「畜產行情資訊網」及「各縣市重要統計指標查詢系統」蒐集畜牧、社會、經濟統計資料。在資料蒐集過程中,由於資料具有受限無法偵測之可能,故引進限制性變數迴歸模型統計工具並在經濟理論上結合財產權犯罪模型,在實證上發現透過不同規模戶數控制可能有助於抑制斃死豬犯罪。豬價上漲將提高違法銷售誘因,因此維持豬價將減少斃死豬販售數量。政府部門的查緝投入可遏阻犯罪。而高收入地區會吸引斃死豬的混充流入。 最後對於政策內涵的探討,由於行政管制手段及經濟誘因措施皆可解決犯罪,但深入討論國內行政管制體系及民間認證,發現執行人力資本不足之情形,建議對豬肉安全檢查人力有增加之必要。現行死亡保險制度對斃死豬隻數量的控制影響不大應檢討保險給付及死豬回收程序。另應加強養豬場的查核,同時產業政策上應進行總量管制維持穩定價格。推動擴大經營規模時,政府也應考量人力投入的增加解決死豬的運送管理問題,以幫助豬肉安全品質的提昇。


Pork is an important protein food to Taiwanese, the safety quality is very related to Taiwanese’s health. Due to pork is easily contaminated with pathogens and events of dead hog illegal reproduce to pork, it is important to improve the quality of pork safety management for Taiwanese’s health. This research first found out the laws related the production and marketing of pork safety and the pork safety programs to understand the Taiwan’s pork safety system, then found out the solution of dead hog illegal marketing .With food safety, pollution improvment and crime economics literatures review, this research collected firm characteristics to set up the illegal production model of hog farms and tested what kind of policy was suited for deterring crime of dead hog marketing. This research collected some data of social, economics and firms characteristics from government web sites and yearly inguiries. Due to some data may be censored , this research introduced the truncated model and the tobit model to regress crime supply variable on social, economics and firms characteristics variables, and found out crimes could be prohibited by decreasing the number of medium hogs farms, stabilizing price of hog and increasing monitoring effort. This research also found that area of higher income would attract illegal marketing, and dead hog marketing became an underground industry. To discuss the effectness of pork safety policy, both economic incentives and the direct orders control methods could improve pork safety, however supervisors too less to make more improvement. Dead hog insurance policy needed to check insurance payment to match dead hog collecting procedure, increased hog farm inspections and stabilized price of hog to control amount of hogs could deter dead hog crime. When government set up policy of extending hog farm scale, more farm labor input needed to deal with dead hog to improve pork safety.




