  • 學位論文

以環境永續為目標之建築設施管理初步研究 -以宗廟建築之金爐運作管理為例-

Study on Building Facility Management Based on the purpose of Environmental Sustainability -Using Gold-Furnace Operation of Religious Buildings as an example-

指導教授 : 曾惠斌


大量燒化金紙除了容易造成周圍環境空氣污染,其製造過程中的添加物釋放可能導致呼吸道、心血管及神經系統等相關疾病。而金紙製造時也會釋放對人體有害的多環芳香烴化合物(PAHs),大量砍伐樹木用以生產金紙更對生態造成極大的威脅。因此, 建築物環保設備之選用與管理是非常重要的。 然而,祭祀時燒化紙錢能滿足祖先神明在陰間所需,如同你我凡人在陽世間需要金錢以應付柴米油鹽醬醋茶等消費的觀念,已根深蒂固深植於臺灣民間,尤其以高齡信徒們的信仰更有其難以撼動的心靈寄託。 本研究透過問卷調查得知民眾大多只是因為傳統而燒化紙錢,但普偏對其燒化方式與相關緣由並不瞭解。而且雖然約略知道其對環境造成汙染但不一定了解其對生態形成一定程度的負擔,也不清楚對人體的危害。即使政府與民間提出[ 好人好神運動]、以米代金、集中焚燒、環保金爐等替代方案,民眾雖可接受但普遍認知上仍不足。所以運用調查,分析得到適當的管理方式。 本研究藉由僅微幅調整傳統的祭祀流程,並搭配高齡者的身體狀況、視覺、認知能力衰退以規劃操作介面提出的「新型態電子金紙燒化系統」,達到成功減少金紙燒化的目的。在滿足高齡信徒們對神明祖先的敬意及減少空氣汙染避免生態破壞危害身體健康,藉此可協助各大宮廟說服民眾與導入「新型態電子金紙燒化系統」。


In addition to the large amount of burnt joss paper, it is easy to cause air pollution in the surrounding environment. The release of additives in the manufacturing process may cause related diseases such as respiratory tract, cardiovascular and nervous system. The production of joss paper also releases polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon compounds (PAHs) that are harmful to the human body, and a large number of felled trees to produce joss paper pose a great threat to the ecology. Therefore, the selection and management of building environmental protection equipment is very important. However, the burning of paper money during sacrifice can meet the needs of ancestors and gods in the underworld. Just as you and our mortals need money in the Yang world to cope with the consumption of rice, oil, salt, vinegar and other teas, they have been deeply rooted in Taiwanese folks, especially the elderly Faith has its own heart that is hard to shake. This study found that most people only burn paper money because of tradition, but they generally do not understand their burning methods and related reasons. Moreover, although it is roughly aware of its pollution to the environment, it does not necessarily understand its degree of burden on the ecology, nor the harm to the human body. Even if the government and the people propose alternatives such as the [Good People and Good Gods Movement], substituting rice for joss paper, centralized incineration, and environmentally friendly joss furnaces, the public may still accept it but it is still generally insufficient. Therefore, the use of surveys, analysis and appropriate management methods. In this study, the "new state electronic joss paper burning system" proposed by planning the operation interface by adjusting the traditional sacrificial process only slightly and combining the decline of the physical condition, vision and cognitive ability of the elderly to achieve successful reduction of joss paper burning Purpose. In order to satisfy the respect of the ancestors of the gods and reduce air pollution to avoid ecological damage and harm to the health of the elderly believers, it can help the major palaces to persuade the public and introduce the "new state electronic joss paper burning system".


[1] 戶政司(2020),「縣市人口性比例及人口密度」,中華民國內政部戶政司全球資訊網。
[2] 內政部好人好神運動(2020),
https://religion.moi.gov.tw/Goods/Content?ci=3 cid=1 id=5。
[3] 承香傳統寺廟建築工程(2020),「景觀育樂、設計裝修 金爐」,建築世界,
