  • 學位論文


The Changing Demand and Supply Effects on Bank Credit in Taiwan: Evidence from the 2000–2012

指導教授 : 王泓仁 陳南光




The purpose of this paper is to analyze the variation of the credit market in Taiwan after 2000, and highlight the variation around the 2008 financial crisis. We use the aggregate data and the disaggregate data to build our models. We want to identify demand and supply effects on bank credits and to infer the relative shift of the loan demand and the loan supply. Results from aggregate model indicate the existence of excess demand in the credit market before and after the financial crisis. In the wake of the financial crisis, it is due to the slowdown in supply behind the large credit growth decline. Results from disaggregate model indicate that the existence of excess demand has no significant changes before and after the financial crisis. Another finding is that firms can use other types of financial sources in substitution for bank credits.


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