  • 學位論文


Food Safety Analysis in Anti-cucumber Mosaic Virus Transgenic Tomato

指導教授 : 劉俊民


本研究針對亞洲蔬菜中心培育出之抗胡瓜嵌紋病毒基因轉殖番茄,進行成分分析評估其食品安全性。依春季、夏季及冬季分別採集基因轉殖與非基因轉殖番茄,並分為成熟與未成熟兩種,再細分儲存在室溫下3日後與無儲存。番茄經冷凍乾燥磨碎後儲存在 -30℃ 冰箱備用。成分分析項目包含 1) 一般成分:固形物、粗脂肪、粗蛋白、碳水化合物、總糖、灰份、粗纖維,2) 營養成分:維生素C、葉酸、茄紅素、β-胡蘿蔔素,與 3) 抗營養成分:番茄素、生物凝集素,共三大類 13 項。在非基因轉殖與基因轉殖番茄間,各季節、各成熟度與各處理方式,其固形物、粗脂肪、粗蛋白、灰份、粗纖維、維生素 C、葉酸、茄紅素、β-胡蘿蔔素、番茄素與生物凝集素等分析項目的含量無顯著差異,顯示基因轉殖不會使這些成分的含量產生促進或抑制之變異,有利於非基因轉殖與基因轉殖番茄間實質等同性之認定;而碳水化合物與總糖間則在未成熟之非基因轉殖與基因轉殖番茄間有顯著差異,故其實質等同性需再針對本基因轉殖番茄的毒性與過敏誘發性進行更完整的試驗,以確定其食用上安全的疑慮。由於農作物本身的成分易受到環境因素影響,衡諸番茄間可能存在個體、批次之差異,在非基因轉殖番茄中即有較大的差異,但上述非基因轉殖與基因轉殖間差異的程度均在 20% 以下,其出現不預期效應的可能性並不高,另外,在營養成分及抗營養成分各項目間,非基因轉殖與基因轉殖番茄間亦無顯著差異。因此,抗胡瓜嵌紋病毒基因轉殖番茄之實質等同性再配合其他遺傳表現型、毒性、過敏誘發性及生態環境上的評估結果,可以對基因轉殖番茄之風險作完整的安全性評估。


The research mainly measured the food contents regarding the anti-cucumber mosaic virus transgenic tomato cultivated by Asian Vegetable Research and Development Center (AVRDC). We collected the transgenic and non-transgenic tomatoes classified them into ripe and unripe groups in spring, summer and winter. Each group divided into two sub-groups with different treatments. One was measured immediately, and the other was storage under room temperature for three days before measurement. The tomato sample was preserved under -30℃ after being lyophilized and ground. The procedure inspected thirteen ingredient contents within three categories, general contents (including total solid, crude fat, crude protein, carbohydrate, total sugar, ash and crude fiber), key nutrients (including vitamin C, folate, lycopene and β-carotene) and anti-nutrients (including α-tomatine and lectin). Between transgenic and non-transgenic tomatoes, the analyzed results were not significantly different in total solid, crude fat, crude protein, ash, crude fiber, vitamin C, folate, lycopene, β-carotene, α-tomatine and lectin. Transgenic tomatoes did not change the content of the ingredients. However, the analyzed results were significantly different in carbohydrate and total sugar between non-transgenic and transgenic tomatoes. The transgenic tomato need completed for substantial equivalence for food safety. The content of the ingredients in crop may affect by environment and the difference among individuals and batches may existence. So the analyzed results were significantly different. In according to the degree of difference were lower than 20%, and unwanted effect may not occur and we need not research in the reason of the significantly different content. Besides, among key nutrients and anti-nutrients were not significantly different, the research would cooperate with the assessments of inherited traits, toxicity, allergenicity and ecological environment. We can make completely food safety assessment for transgenic tomato.


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