  • 學位論文


Breeding ecology of Green-backed Tits in mid-elevation of Taiwan

指導教授 : 袁孝維


於2009–2017年間在觀霧中海拔針闊葉混淆林與柳杉針葉林,吾人監測使用巢箱繁殖的青背山雀(Parus monticolus)之繁殖表現。研究工作主要由三部分所組成,第一部分為檢驗環境中富鈣物質的多寡(亦即陸生蝸牛密度)有無限制雌鳥的生殖產出。結果顯示,儘管兩種棲地的土壤均是高度酸性,研究族群的雌鳥產下的蛋,蛋殼並無缺陷的症狀,並且額外提供鈣源未增加雌鳥的生殖產出。顯示現階段鈣並非限制青背山雀雌鳥產蛋的限制營養。第二部分為調查在兩種棲地上,不同樹種所提供的不同幼蟲如何影響青背山雀雛鳥的生長。吾人藉由抖落法定量各主要樹種上的鱗翅目毛蟲與膜翅目幼蟲組成,以及幼蟲生物量於季節上的變化。結果顯示,闊葉棲地具多樣的樹種,構成較寬的幼蟲生物量高峰。幼蟲生物量於初春時急遽上升而後逐漸下降。相反的,針葉棲地的幼蟲生物量為隨著季節緩慢增加,並且其物種組成中有高比例的有毛苔蛾。兩種棲地具有不同的幼蟲生物量之季節性動態,並影響青背山雀繁殖的第一窩與第二窩雛鳥體重。第三部分係以多年的監測資料來檢視氣候因子與青背山雀繁殖起始之關聯,並檢測影響鳥巢存活率的重要因子。研究結果顯示,不同年間,青背山雀產蛋繁殖的早晚與三月均溫呈顯著正相關,與2–3月春雨雨量無關。在較溫暖的初春,雌鳥傾向較早開始產蛋繁殖。繁殖期間的大雨事件則對鳥巢的存活有負面影響。最後,吾人整合青背山雀的生活史參數,並估算族群成長係數。藉由情境模擬顯示,亞成鳥存活率、成鳥存活率與每巢離巢雛鳥數為影響年間族群波動的最重要因子。


The use of nest boxes by Green-backed tit (Parus monticolus) was monitored in a mosaic landscape of mixed-oak forest and Cryptomeria plantation in the mid-altitude area of Guanwu between 2009 and 2017. Field work falls into three sections that together provide insight and knowledge of breeding behavior of hole-nestling passerines. The first section was to test whether the availability of calcium-rich materials limits reproduction output of birds. Our results found that despite the high acidity of the soil in two habitats, none of the birds in the study population produced eggs with defective shells. The provision of supplementary calcium did not appear to influence reproductive output of birds. Calcium is not currently a limiting micronutrient for egg production by Green-backed Tits. The second section examined how differential larval phenology supported by different tree species in the two habitats affects nestling mass. The larval abundance (Lepidoptera and Hymenoptera sawfly larvae) of dominant tree species was measured via the tree-shaking method. The results showed that the diversity of trees in the broadleaf habitat supported a broader food peak overall that spiked in early spring and gradually declined. In contrast, the coniferous habitat had a lower larval biomass that increased slightly over the season and included a high percentage of hairy lithosiines. Habitat-specific seasonality in larval abundance significantly affected nestling mass in early- and late-season broods. The third section determined what weather cues montane birds use to fine-tune breeding behavior and what factors affects their breeding success from multi-year monitoring data. Our data indicated that March temperatures, but not February–March rainfall affected the laying date for Green-backed Tits. Females shifted their laying dates earlier in response to earlier warm spring weather. Heavy rainfall during the breeding period negatively affects their nest survival. Finally, several life-history traits of the Green-backed tits were estimated and discussed.


第一章 緒論
Chiou, C.-R., T.-Y. Chen, H.-Y. Liu, J.-C. Wang, C.-L. Yeh, and C.-F. Hsieh (2009). Atlas of natural vegetation in Taiwan. Forestry Bureau, Council of Agriculture. Taipei, Taiwan (In Chinese).
Severinghaus, L. L., T.-S. Ding, W.-H. Fang, W.-H. Lin, M.-C. Tsai, and C.-W. Yen (2012). The avifauna of Taiwan. 2nd edition. Forest Bureau, Council of Agriculture, Taipei, Taiwan.
第二章 產蛋期雌鳥生殖產出
Betts, M. M. (1955). The food of titmice in oak woodland. Journal of Animal Ecology 24:282–323.
