  • 學位論文

台灣地區揮發性有機污染物之時空分佈 及健康風險評估

The Temporal-Spatial Distribution and Health Risk Assessmentof Volatile Organic Compounds in Taiwan

指導教授 : 詹長權


目的:VOCs不僅扮演著臭氧前驅物的重要角色,另外VOCs吸入所造成人類健康效應上的影響已經是無庸置疑的,本研究為探討台灣地區空氣中VOCs於不同環境、時間上的變化,以及評估一般民眾因暴露VOCs所導致的急性、慢性、以及終生致癌的健康風險。 方法:利用台灣地區共7座光化學測站(Photochemical Assessment monitoring Stations, PAMS),收集2003.1.1-2003.12.31或2003.3.1-2004.2.29時段內逐時的監測資料,經QA/QC後,利用SAS 8.02統計軟體進行資料處理及分析,並繪製不同地區VOCs之時間變化圖,以便進行準確的暴露評估。利用Hazard Index Approach的原則,以急性健康風險危害指數(HIA)、慢性健康風險危害指數(HIC)、以及終生致癌風險作為指標,進行一般居民吸入途徑之健康風險評估。 結果:污染物月份變化的情形隨著不同的地區也有所不同,然而在24小時變化中卻可以發現於早晨6點至9點之間,以及下午5點過後濃度升高的趨勢,並且於下午1點至3間出現濃度最低值的現象;另外就整體來看,南部鳳山地區其TVOCs之的平均值最高,達76.28ppb,北部土城地區次之,達61.73ppb,而中部竹山地區最低,為27.64ppb;但致癌物Benzen濃度在土城地區最高,橋頭次之,平均值分別為5.16、4.42ppb,草屯則為苯濃度最低的地區,為0.84ppb。因此土城地區致癌風險最高、草屯最低,分別為36.3×10-6至478.8×10-6、5.7×10-6至78×10-6;至於急性健康風險,以土城最高,HIA為0.008,遠小於1,因此不被預期有急性健康效應發生;慢性風險,仍以土城最高,HIC為0.49,仍小於1,故慢性健康效應的影響也不大。而在PAMs周圍半徑5Km內所居住的人口,以北部萬華最高,約115萬人,而南投竹山地區最少,僅約7萬人。 結論:不同地區之VOCs 24小時濃度變化皆成雙峰狀態,其原因可能為交通污染源及逆溫層強度所導致。整體而言,南投草屯、竹山污染物濃度較北部、南部低,因此不論是急性、慢性、或是致癌風險皆為最低的區域,雖然急性與慢性的危害指數皆小於1,意味著急性與慢性的健康效應不被預期發生在這樣的暴露情況下。但在某些區域,苯所導致的終生致癌風險仍然偏高,如土城、橋頭等地,若與其潛在暴露人口數一起考慮,則建議以北部及南部地區作為風險管理時的優先考量。


Objective:The purpose of this study is to estimate acute, chronic and carcinogenic health risks of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) in Taiwan. Methods:Hourly concentrations of 55 VOCs were measured in 7 Photochemical Assessment monitoring Stations (PAMs) in Taiwan between January 2003 and February 2004. VOC data were summarized to 1-hour maximum to estimate acute risks (HIA), and yearly averages to estimate chronic (HIC) and carcinogenic risks (Cancer Risk). Benchmark risk estimates of carcinogenic and noncarcinogenic effects for VOCs were taken from the California Environmental Protection Agency (Cal-EPA) and the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) to calculate HIA, HIC, and Cancer Risk. Results: Daily VOC variation showed two peaks concentrations in 6 to 9 AM and 5 to 11 PM. Annual averages showed total VOC concentrations were the highest in Fongshan (76.28 ppb), followed by Tucheng (61.73 ppb), Chunglun (55.21 ppb), Shuangyuan (54.79 ppb), Ciaotou (40.15 ppb), Cauton (34.17 ppb), and Jhushan (27.64 ppb). However, annual benzene concentrations were the highest in Tucheng (5.16 ppb), followed by Ciaotou (4.42 ppb), Shuangyuan (1.82 ppb), Fongshan (1.44 ppb), Chunglun (1.17 ppb), Jhushan (0.87 ppb), Cauton (0.84 ppb). Among the 55 VOCs, there were 5 VOCs with acute reference exposure levels (RELa), 8 VOCs with chronic reference exposure levels (RELC), and only benzene was classified as Class 1 human carcinogens by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC). We found that all HIA were all far less than 1 with the highest one in Tucheng (HIA=0.008). We also fount that all HIC were less than 1 with the highest one in Tucheng (HIC=0.49). Cancer risks due to benzene ranged from 5.7×10-6 to 478.8×10-6. The highest one was in Tucheng, which was36.3×10-6 to 478.8×10-6. Conclusions:The diurnal pattern of VOCs in our data confirmed that traffic-related emissions were main sources of VOCs in Taiwan. Our findings also indicated that residents surrounding these monitoring stations might have excess cancer risks due to benzene exposures but no significant noncancer risks due to acute or chronic exposures to VOCs.


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