  • 學位論文


A Context-Aware Recording System for Meeting Events

指導教授 : 許永真


本篇論文實作一個簡化的具有環境感知能力的會議事件記錄系統,是一個大型智慧會議室系統的部份。本篇論文中,環境感知能力限制在偵測與會人員的發言事件,記錄系統則以下五項構成:1.固定式PC Camera 2.麥克風 3.Berkeley Motes 4.螢幕錄影程式5.PowerPoint投影片翻頁記錄程式。 在智慧型會議室系統架構之外,本篇論文提供一支程式供使用者回顧會議過程及檢索會議事件。


This paper implements a simplified context-aware recording system for meeting events, which is a subset of an intelligent meeting room system. This paper’s context-ware ability is limited to detecting participants’ speaking activities. Recording system constitutes of five parts: 1. Position-Fixed PC Camera 2. Microphone 3. Berkeley Motes 4. Monitor Screen Capture Program 5. PowerPoint Slide Change Recording Program In addition to the intelligent meeting room system architecture, this thesis creates a program for users reviewing meeting progress and retrieving meeting events.


[1]Thomas P. Moran, Leysia Palen, Steve Harrison, Patrick Chiu, Don Kimber, Scott Minneman, William van Melle, Polle Zellweger ,”I’ll Get That Off the Audio”: A Case Study of Salvaging Multimedia Meeting Records (CHI 97)
[3]Patrick Chiu, Ashutosh Kapuskar, Sarah Reitmeier, Lynn Wilcox, NoteLook: Taking Notes in Meetings with Digital Video and Ink (ACM Multimedia 99)
[4]Franco Canavesio, Rodolfo Ceruti, Secondo Gallo, Voice Switching System for Videoconference Studios, International Telecommunications Satellite Organization (INTELSAT) 1984
[6]Norbert A. Streitz, Jörg Geißler, Torsten Holmer, Roomware for Cooperative Buildings: Integrated Design of Architectural Spaces and Information Spaces. GMD-IPSI
[12]ZebraNet Project of Princeton University
