  • 學位論文


A Study on Key Success Factors of E-Mall for "Post Mall"

指導教授 : 蕭瑞祥




In this study, critical factors of E-malls’ success are collected through literature and questionnaire analyses. Through literature review and expert interview, it is confirmed that key factors of E-malls’ success lie in information quality, system quality, service quality, user satisfaction, user usage, product features, commodity prices, transaction security and enterprise features. Multiple tools such as questionnaires, descriptive statistics, reliability analysis and regression analysis are also employed herein. By regression analysis on the above factors of success, it is found that system quality, information quality, service quality and product features have a significant relationship with the operational satisfaction of E-malls. System quality and product features are also significantly related to the Postal E-mall, and hese two factors comply with the overall analysis results. The research findings can be made available as reference to the Chinese Postal Service for their E-mall in the future.


e-mall key factor of success satisfaction


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