  • 學位論文


The Design of Fuzzy Control for an Intelligent Fire-fighting Robot

指導教授 : 楊智旭


本論文主要目的為智慧型滅火機器人之模糊控制器設計及系統整合,在火災發生初期時,透過機器人移動平台,結合雙眼視覺監控判斷與智慧型感測器技術,執行火焰辨識及追蹤,進而利用模糊控制,達到消防預警及滅火目的,此機器人為獨立自主的系統,能快速反應且即時掌握消防救災最佳時期,減少財產損害與人員傷亡。 移動平台為兩輪式自走車(Segway Rmp50),以網路攝影機(Webcam)仿效人類雙眼視覺功能,進行視覺輔助物體偵測,利用影像處理技術,取得最佳參數與火焰中心位置,再使用標準立體視覺幾何結構,判斷火焰與機器人的相對距離,設計智慧型火焰辨識系統,最後結合模糊控制器完成即時追蹤滅火系統,建立即時警報監控的智慧型滅火機器人。本論文以模擬實驗方式來驗證,智慧型滅火機器人可透過雙眼視覺得知環境資訊,判定是否為火災事件,再由智慧型模糊控制技術進行火焰辨識與追蹤,當感測器判斷為火災時,立即發送警報及執行滅火動作,完成滅火任務,達成火災初期的安全消防目的。


The objectives of the thesis is to the design a fuzzy controller for an intelligent fire-fighting robot. This robot is controlled to respond rapidly and seize the optimum timing for rescuing, avoiding casualty and damage of properties independent and automatic system. The Mobile platform of the robot is two self-propelled vehicle ( Segway Rmp 50), with two webcams to simulate the human eyes. The location of the flame center is calculated by the detected parameters in the image processing. After that, the relative distance between the fire center and the robot is calculated by the SSG. The combination of the intelligent flame recognition system and fuzzy controller will be applied to track and extinguish the fire instantly and send out the alarm for the fire-fighting robots. The thesis is conducted by simulated experiments to implement the intelligent fire-fighting robot. The fire accident is confirmed by the vision subsystem. The intelligent fuzzy controller will be applied to track the fire flame. Whenever the fire event is detected by the sensors, an alert is send out immediately. The robot will execute the fire-fighting mission automatically.




