  • 學位論文


A case studies of positioning strategy for private fitness club

指導教授 : 李月華


台灣健身產業的發展在近年來可說是處於谷底的低迷狀態;然而為何運動健身俱樂部產業,會在短短不到10年的時間,從最高峰跌至最谷底,不免會引起眾人的好奇。在前人的研究中,雖有探討國內健身俱樂部發展趨於平緩甚或倒閉的原因,以及健身俱樂部如何以差異化策略尋找產業的藍色海洋的研究,但都未將市民運動中心納入研究比較的對象。因此本研究希望將市民運動中心納入研究比較之對象,以彌補前人研究之不足。 個案公司YOUNGBEAUTY氧妍動能館是一家私營健身俱樂部,成立於2008年3月,自成立以來,就是業界普遍認為創新及差異化的代表。在面對亞力山大無預警的歇業、金融海嘯的衝擊、以及台北市十家市民運動中心的競爭等險惡的谷底環境下,卻能逆勢成長,憑藉著僅僅兩百萬的資本額,以及正確的經營模式和定位策略,迅速在業界打響品牌及口碑。 本研究選擇產業中具有優異表現及特殊性的企業,以個案的方式對其競爭及定位策略進行深入分析與研究。本研究透過深入的訪談與分析,探討在惡劣的經濟環境下,以及競爭激烈的健身休閒產業中,個案公司能異軍突起的原因,也希望經由全面而深入的分析,找出個案公司成功的經營及定位策略,並針對未來快速變遷的環境下,擬定適當的策略以提供新進經營者參考。 本研究所得到之研究結論,個案公司成功的關鍵因素為: 一、成本控管成功 二、創新的繳費方式 三、良好優異的人員素質及服務 四、善用集中化與差異化策略 五、成功的定位策略 本研究對於產業現有經營者及想踏入健身俱樂部產業之經營者在管理及定位策略實務上有以下建議: 一、多元的繳費方式 二、以團體課程為主軸,避免複合式經營,與市民運動中心做區隔 三、提升人員服務品質,強化與市民運動中心之差異 四、以女性為主要市場 五、減少場地租金成本、強調地利之便 六、控管業務人員薪水,降低人事成本


The fitness industry in Taiwan has come to a halt in recent years.It rouses the speculation that it merely took less than 10 years for the said industry to fall from a peak status to the depression. There are various studies on the causes of such depressing trend in the fitness industry,as well as how fitness clubs seek blue ocean strategy,However the previous research did not consider taipei city public sport center in the studies.The presentation of this study is therefore to include taipei city public sport center in the research hoping to provide a thorough analysis. One of the individual case studies is YOUNGBEATY.It is a private operated fitness club established in March 2008,and has been deemed successfully incorporating innovation and differentiation.Under the circumstances of drastic economy downturn and the competition of 10 taipei city public sport centers in the city,YOUNGBEAUTY with only 2 million dollars capital was able to hit its stride with precise and effective business strategies,and eventually gained popularity and reputation in the industry. A few renown operators with outstanding performance are chosen as separate case study in order to analyse its capability and strategy in the competition. Through in-depth interviews and analysis, we hope to shed light on the successful business model and operating strategy, and provided recommendations for potential operators in the market. The concluding factors of a successful operator could be summarized as below: 1.Successful cost control 2.Innovative payment structure 3.Excellent personnel and service 4. using focus and differentiation strategies very well 5.Successful positioning strategy The recommendations for potential operator in the future fitness market are: 1.Diversity on payment structure 2.Focus on group classes and avoid diversified business to differentiate from taipei city public sport center 3.Improve quality of staff and service 4.Set market target on female customers 5.Cut down building/venue rental cost; enhance geographic proximity 6.Reduce administrative expenses and wages


5.石珀貞(2009)。臺北市士林運動中心消費者涉入程度之研究,2009 年兩岸運動觀光產業暨體育發展研討會論文集,頁29-45。
12.吳柏叡、賀湘邦、謝建良(2009),苗栗小巨蛋健身俱樂部消費者參與行為與滿意度之研究,稻江學報 第四卷第二期。
