  • 學位論文


Temperature Uniformity Measurement of Vapor Chamber Heat Spreader

指導教授 : 康尚文


本研究針對蒸汽腔體多孔均溫板以實驗方法探討均溫性與升降溫速率,並與無孔洞蒸汽腔體均溫板和鋁質多孔均溫板相互比較。銅質之蒸汽腔體多孔均溫板尺寸為112 × 75 × 17.2mm,上端製作96個直徑5mm,深度10mm孔洞;下端放置六片致冷晶片進行加熱或降溫,每片功率為56W,面積30 × 30mm。升溫過程中由25°C至90°C以強制對流搭配致冷晶片或無搭配進行降溫至25°C,進行量測並探討其升降溫速率與均溫性,並比較有無搭配使用致冷晶片降溫之差異性。實驗結果顯示鋁質多孔均溫板具有較佳升降溫速率,蒸汽腔體均溫板與蒸汽腔體多孔均溫板具較佳均溫性,鋁質多孔均溫板均溫性較差。而搭配致冷晶片進行降溫,可增加降溫速率,但不影響各均溫板降溫速率與均溫性。以蒸氣腔體多孔均溫板進行升降溫循環測試,其穩定性佳,適合應用於需要穩定並快速控制升降溫及均溫性的製程,如聚合酶鏈鎖反應。


Experimental investigations are performed on multi-well vapor chamber heat spreaders to study their temperature uniformity and heating rate. Vapor chamber heat spreader (112×75×17.2mm) with 96 wells (diameter of the wells is 5mm and depth is 10mm) is made of copper. A vapor chamber heat spreader without wells and an aluminum heat spreader with multi-well are also made for comparison. Six thermoelectric coolers (TEC) each with a power of 56W and an area of 30×30mm are applied evenly to the spreaders. Seven thermocouples measure temperatures on the heat spreaders from 25℃ to 90℃ at a heating power of 336W, and from 90℃ to 25℃ under forced convection cooling condition. With and without TEC cooling are also compared in the experiment. Temperature uniformity is evaluated by the temperature difference and the standard deviation. Vapor chamber heat spreader has the better temperature uniformity than aluminum heat spreader due to a higher thermal conductivity. Aluminum heat spreader show the higher heating rate, followed by Vapor chamber heat spreader with wells, vapor chamber heat spreader without wells due to a larger heat capacity, heat up the slowest.


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程宇(2014)。以Angstrom's Method架構之熱擴散係數研究與量測〔碩士論文,淡江大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6846/TKU.2014.00524
