  • 學位論文


"I Might Not Love You": The Exploratory Study of Brand Switch behavior from the Consumers with Brand Attachment.

指導教授 : 黃哲盛


過去已經有豐富的文獻分別討論品牌愛戀的建構要素,在品牌愛戀之後,也有學者開始專注在品牌的隔離與轉移的議題上,但鮮少有學者對品牌愛戀到品牌轉移之間的過渡地帶進行討論,對品牌管理者來說,如何建立顧客的忠誠度固然重要,但是要長期維持顧客對品牌的愛戀關係也具有相當的挑戰性。本研究嘗試以質性的探索性研究,透過一對一深入訪談,嘗試捕捉消費者品牌愛戀弱化的關鍵,並且透過敘說研究,以「故事」的方式將當時的時空脈絡勾勒出來,試圖重建完整的品牌轉移過程。 本研究發現品牌愛戀者在品牌轉移之前,會發生不一程度的愛戀弱化,根據這個現象,研究者利用弱化的方式不同,嘗試將品牌愛戀者分為三種類型:A型、B型、C型,而研究也發現,不同類型的品牌愛戀者所呈現出來的轉移模式也不同,可以概分成兩種轉移模式:(1)品牌愛戀弱化至消失→熟悉陌生人→品牌轉移(2)品牌愛戀弱化→弱化加深→品牌轉移。


Retaining customers plays a vital role in pursuit of long term business success. Consumer loyalty and brand love have recently attracted rising interest in marketing research. This study aims to establish an understanding of brand detachments in the relationship ending process between a customer and brand. Because of their high emotional attachment, brand lover adore their brands and even fervently defend them against all odds. Yet, some of these relationships break down. This article addresses the question why strong emotional bonds with brands are weakened, and how consumers experience the process of emotional detachment and relationship termination. This study draws theories from marketing, sociology, psychoanalysis and psychology. Theoretical prototypes and models on how to establish and improve relationships with customers used to understand the vital elements required in forming a relationship, assuming an absence of which might contribute to the dissolution of a relationship. By using narrative inquiry, a relatively new qualitative methodology, is the study of experience understood narratively. It is a way of thinking about, and studying experience. Phenomenological interviews with brand lovers revealed that (1) three types of brand lovers (2) two patterns of brand switching are two main discovers of this study.


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