  • 學位論文


Design and Implementation of Motion Control Systems for a Robotic Cane

指導教授 : 葉賜旭


老年化社會已是現今極具爭議性的議題,由於老年人口不斷增加,助行系統顯得日漸重要。助行系統能夠幫助他們在日常生活中活動,使他們能夠獨立生活並改善生活品質。常見的助行系統包括拐杖,助行器和手杖。其中,拐杖通常用來協助下肢功能障礙的患者進行較長距離移動的一種輔具。由於老人的下肢面臨行動上困難,通常使用助行器或是手杖以幫助他們行走,老人們大多使用這類的輔具來維持平衡,支撐體重,並鍛鍊增強下肢肌肉的力量。除此之外,視障人士也可以使用手杖,來幫助他們探測行走時的路面情況。傳統的助行工具常用來解決老人移動上的問題,因為使用這些傳統輔具運動時需要完全仰賴於使用者施加的力量/力矩,所以它們被歸類為被動式的輔助設備。因此,使用者對一般的助行系統必須具備某些條件,例如足夠的認知能力、良好的視力、判斷力以及耐力;由於老人的身體機能的退化與老化,這些條件難以讓老人使用一般的助行系統。 有鑑於此,本論文目的在於設計並實現一種手杖助行機器人,以自主式移動機器人為基礎的手杖助行機器人,更為該機器人製作了一個雙軸力量感測裝置。該裝置是用以檢測使用者手部施加於手杖握把上之作用力,以檢測出使用者欲移動之方向與速度,並選擇預先規劃的運動路徑後,由運動控制器產生伺服馬達控制命令以控制手杖助行機器人,使其作出使用者施力大小相對應速度的路徑移動,最後並在本文中展示手杖助行機器人基本運動控制之實現成果。


Aging society has become an important issue in recent times. Because the number of elderly people is constantly on the rise, walking support systems have gained increasing relevance. Walking support systems can assist elderly people in their daily activities, allowing them to regain their independence and improve the quality of their lives. The most common walking support systems include crutches, walkers, and canes. Crutches are usually used as supports by patients who suffer from lower limb problems when they walk for long distances. People who have recently suffered from other physical problems and have difficulties in walking may use walkers or canes to assist them in walking. Such aids are usually used for maintaining body balance, walk training, supporting body weight, and increasing the muscle strength of the lower limbs. Moreover, there are canes available for visually impaired people to help them detect road conditions while walking. Although traditional walking support systems are usually used to solve the mobility problems of the elderly, these devices are considered passive, and their actions strictly depend on the forces/torques applied to them by the user. Therefore, to use traditional walking support systems, the other physical functions of the users of these systems must be fully working; for example, the users must have sufficient cognitive function, good vision, judgment, and endurance. These conditions are difficult to conform to because these functions degrade by aging. The objective of this study is to design and realize a robotic cane that is based on autonomous mobile robot technologies. In this study, we also develop a biaxial force-sensing device for the robotic cane. This device detects the manner in which a user exerts force on the handgrip of the cane in order to estimate the direction in and the speed at which the user wants to move the robotic cane. This enables the device to select a motion path in advance. After selecting the motion path, a motion controller generates commands and uses them to control the mobile platform of the robotic cane in order to easily attain the speeds and routes corresponding to the user requirements. This paper reports on the performance of the basic motion control of the robotic cane.


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