  • 學位論文

研究型大學產學合作全面資源管理架構之研究-- 以國立清華大學為實證

A Study for a Framework of Total Resource Management in the University-Industry Collaboration by Research Universities— An Empirical Study in National Tsing Hua University

指導教授 : 簡禎富 侯建良


隨著知識經濟時代的到來,全球競爭日趨激烈嚴峻。高等教育應加強資源的有效利用與分配,以追求永續與經營效益。由於科研成果轉向產業應用,高等教育與產業間的伙伴關係愈益密切,透過產學合作的推動,促進大學與產業間資源交流,已成為日益重要的趨勢。高等教育需利用有限的資源來達成更高的教學品質與服務績效,並提供商業化創新且具應用價值的科學追求與落實,才能持續邁向國際頂尖、永續經營。資源是支持組織內所有營運活動的重要基礎,有效的資源規劃與績效控管除可創造出滿足顧客需要的產品或服務,並可提升組織內部經營績效,發揮資源最大效益。高等教育需師法企業組織,有效管控產學合作營運資源的績效,建構學術與產業、社會與國際相互連結的平台,達成更高的教育品質與服務績效。研究型大學更須發展有系統的資源管理架構,以為確保產學合作資源效益的提升。 本研究為強化研究型大學產學合作資源效能與營運活動管理,發展有系統的資源管理架構,進而透過持續改善的管理循環提升其經營績效,並以國立清華大學推動產學合作為實際案例進行實證研究,說明全面資源管理架構之實施步驟,首先確認研究型大學產學合作之主要營運資源及其根本目標與願景,在透過自我評核以制定執行方針,接續進行績效檢討及標竿學習以持續調整各資源之目標績效值與管理改善方案。本研究亦建構研究型大學產學合作空間資源績效指標及產學合作知識管理PDCA管理循環,包括創新育成大樓空間資源管理及智財技轉之知識管理,以建構實施全面資源管理績效指標之步驟,驗證提出架構之實用價值。


With the advent of the knowledge economy era, global competition is increasingly fierce and severe. Higher education should strengthen the effective use and distribution of resources in order to pursue sustainable management and development. As scientific research turns into industrial applications, the partnership between higher education and industries is getting closer. Boosting the exchange of resources between universities and industries via the promotion of university-industry collaboration has become an inevitable trend of the times. Higher education needs effectively control the performance of the resources in university-industry collaboration by developing a systematic resource management framework to ensure that the use efficiency of university-industry collaboration resources is improved. This research develops a systematic resource management structure and total resource management framework to execute the objectives planning, controlling, performance evaluation and improvement of the operating resources. This will enhance the operating performances through a continuously improved management cycle in university-industry collaboration of higher education. This study constructs the research university's university-industry collaboration overall space effectiveness performance indices and knowledge management PDCA management cycle, including the Innovation & Incubation Hall's space management and intellectual property transfer knowledge management, to implement total resource management in National Tsing Hua University to show the practical value of the proposed architecture.


