  • 學位論文


Astudy on the service gap of Server Virtualization

指導教授 : 劉士豪


伺服器虛擬化的應用,對於企業具有資源整合、節省成本支出等效益,因此將被廣泛的應用在資訊基礎架構;對既有的資訊服務進行虛擬化的轉換,將對於服務品質產生影響;本研究以服務品質的觀點,探討伺服器虛擬化的服務缺口及差距, 本研究以服務品質理論作為基礎,經文獻探討及歸納的過程,依照伺服器虛擬化的服務特性,制定衡量服務品質的七項構面及量表,從「管理者」與「使用者」個自的角度,衡量不同類型的期望與認知缺口差異,檢驗可衡量伺服器虛擬化服務品質的研究模型,經由專家審議及問卷調查的執行,以變異數及敘述性統計分析,說明服務品質的缺口差距。 經實證與研究分析的結果,本研究所制定的五種類型缺口,均能發現「管理者」與「使用者」對於服務期望與認知上的差距,以在服務內容所重視的項目,除驗證了研究模型的可用性外,並提供企業在伺服器虛擬化服務品質上的改善,管理者能夠了解服務品質差距的缺口,審視企業可運作資源及本身能力可及的條件,縮短使用者的期望與認知的差距;使用者則可以了解本身期望與認知間的落差,避免對於伺服器虛擬化服務品質,有著過高或不切實際的期望,以提昇伺服器虛擬化的服務品質。


The use of IT server virtualization is a major strategy for companies to provide IT service in a low cost but high reliability manner. It not only benefit the enterprise from optimized the company resources as well as saving the cost by rebuild the fundamental MIS infrastructure in the organization. In this research, we have focused the service gap exist in the service virtualization as well as its impact to the quality of information service in the organization. The research is based on the theory of service quality, through the assessment and evaluation on the previous researches. In this study, we have set up 7 different perspectives from the IT administrator’s and IT users’ point of view to analyze the difference of service and recognition gap. With the understanding the gap, we have developed a server virtualization service quality method through assessment with experts and questionnaires survey. In this study we have defined five types of gap. Within these 5 gaps, we conclude that “administrator” and “users” do have very different perceptions on the service. Not only in this research, we are able to verify the research model usability and provide improvement to bring down the service gap. By allowing the administrator to review the company resources and recognize the knowledge distance between administrator and their users. Through the process users will be able to set more realistic practical expectations and later improve the quality service of service virtualization.


Gap Model Service Gap Server Virtualization


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