  • 學位論文


The Study of Internet Live Stream’s Performance Indicator

指導教授 : 吳肇銘




The webcast is booming, and the live e-commerce is a new and popular form of e-commerce. However, since the development of webcasting, "online number" has not been used as the only performance indicator for evaluating live broadcasters. Therefore, this study proposes the use of Text Mining techniques, analysis of viewers and their messages in chat rooms in live broadcasts, as an indicator of the performance of online live broadcast. Based on the above techniques and viewpoints. This study designed four system modules, in which the thermal degree analysis module, the sentiment analysis module and the correlation analysis module can calculate the thermal degree and emotionality of the live webcast. Correlation degree; time analysis module can analyze the change of thermal degree, affectivity and correlation under the time course of live broadcast. In addition, in order to verify the performance of the webcast performance indicators and the feasibility of the system, this study conducted systematic implementation and analysis of two Facebook live e-commerce providers, collected online information through web crawlers, and conducted four analysis of the module, and then the indicators in the dashboard mode. The performance indicators proposed in this study really help the live broadcast and live broadcast platforms to more effectively grasp and understand the hotness, affection and relevance of the live broadcast, which can be used as an important reference for improving the live broadcast strategy and content.


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