  • 學位論文


Affordances for stair climbing induced by standing heights and perceptual systems

指導教授 : 楊梓楣


環境賦使乃是生態觀點中描繪動物與環境間交織的一種關係,環境特性的定義必須參照動物本身的條件,其透過身體尺度的概念來詮釋。本研究基於生態觀點旨在探討觸動覺與視覺導引之登階動作可能性,並藉由個體站立高度的改變,檢視其知覺最大登階高度之環境賦使。24 名成人參與本實驗,並隨機分派為觸動覺與視覺評估兩組,參與者被要求操作手杖進行探索活動,與直接透過視覺觀察兩種方式,評估能否以單腳抬起之動作攀登台階。實驗安排參與者站立於真實地板和高 10cm 之升高地板,以及穿著高 10cm 的積木鞋共三種情境。運用可調整高度之台階擷取參與者的知覺最大登階高度,並依據腿長計算登階高度之關鍵比值。此外,採用 2(知覺系統) × 3(立高)二因子混合設計變異數分析考驗知覺評估的恆常誤差、絕對誤差、信心分數、與評估時間。根據結果與討論發現:最大登階高度之環境賦使並不會受到個體站立高度改變而影響其知覺結果,個體腿長與台階結構的關係會維持不變的特質。以觸動覺探索的知覺最大登階高度,可採用和視覺觀察相同的身體尺度概念來描述,不管站立高度如何改變,其關鍵比值約為 0.97。儘管個體透過不同知覺系統覺知最大登階高度,其準確性與信心都相當一致,支持知覺系統對等的觀點。


Affordances in ecological psychology viewpoint mean a kind of interlaced relation between the animals and its environment. The definition for the properties of environment should refer to the characteristics of animals and be interpreted through the concept of body scale. This study was based on the ecological approach to investigate haptically and visually guided stair climbing possibility. We examined affordances for perceived maximum riser heights by changing individual’s standing heights. 24 adults were recruited in this experiment, and randomly assigned to two groups, the haptic judgement group and the visual judgement group. The participants were asked to judge whether each stair height is climbable if they only raised one single leg. The judgments were made through two means: Visual observation and exploration with a white cane. Three experimental condition were arranged when participants made their judgments: Standing on the real floor, standing on 10cm height raising floor, and wear 10cm height blocks. The adjustable stair was used to measure perceived maximum raiser heights of participants, and the critical ratio was calculated by comparing it to the leg length of participants. Furthermore, 2 (perceptual systems) ×3 (standing heights) mixed design two-way ANOVAs were used to examine the constant errors of perceptual judgment, the absolute errors of perceptual judgment, the scores of confidence, and the time of judgment. Based on the results we found that the perception of affordances for maximum riser heights would not be influenced by standing heights. The relation between the lengths of the individual’s legs and the stair heights would maintain invariant. The perceived maximum raisers height by the haptic exploration could also be described by the concept of body scale with the visual observation. The critical ratio was approximately 0.97, no matter what the standing heights were. Despite individuals perceived maximum raiser heights with different perceptual systems, the accuracy and confidence of haptic and visual judgment did not differ. It supported the viewpoint of perceptual equivalence.


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