  • 學位論文


Land Development and Urbanization in the areas along stations of the Taoyuan International Airport MRT

指導教授 : 王文誠


台灣的社會在歷經工業化與經濟發展的快速成長下,工業產值超過農業產 值,也影響了都市化現象與都市範圍的擴大,然而在城鄉發展中,如本研究以國際桃園機場捷運沿線所經過的地區,其空間的結構與型態如何與西方的代表性都市理論進行對話,成為討論的課題。 在了解機場捷運所經過之地區的歷史發展與脈絡下,本研究試著從核心邊陲理論出發,檢視沿線空間的土地使用類別與開發案,並與 Desakota 和 TOD 概念的理論進行檢驗後進而試圖建構出空間型態,並且探討都市成長聯盟、地方社會與權力結構所扮演的角色如何驅使都市化,最後討論地方產業如何因機場捷運的興建營運和土地開發的介入而有所變動,以及土地徵收所導致的空間之爭。 本研究發現:第一,土地開發案的規劃會使得地方產業升級,以土地分區方式進行較具有生產附加價值的產業型態,反之,也導致原有的傳統產業被迫消失或發生外移現象;第二,在土地開發案中,中央與地方政府扮演著主導角色,而權力結構,如都市成長聯盟與政黨政治也會介入其中去影響施政的時程與細節,施政效率常導致地方活動發生停擺,地方發展則被動地仰賴政策的執行;第三,在研究區內,其社會階級結構具有多元性與複雜性,產業的分佈與土地開發案也會產生推拉力作用,而使特定人口進入或離開。 最後結論指出,無論是任何型態的土地開發,皆可能使得土地價值提高、地主與財團受益,並且帶動地區的發展與注入活力,然而在都市規劃與土地開發中,常見的爭議議題,除了有土地徵收的反彈與重分配,同時地方原有的產業型態也因此受到剝奪與改變。


機場捷運 土地開發 都市化


The aim of this study is to investigate land development and urbanization in the areas along stations of the Taoyuan International Airport MRT while the process the MRT developed. Also this study is to explore how the role of growth coalition and the involvement of land development drive the change of local society, social structure and industries, and to discuss the spatial conflict caused by land expropriation. Accordingly, spatial morphology is tempted to be established in the study. Data collection was conducted with the qualitative method via face-to-face interviews to the samples of thirteen chiefs of village. The results show that policies land development are stimulated to local industries. Both of the central and local governments play the role of governance in the process of urbanization. Local diversities and complexes of the social structure provide the distribution of industries and land development that forms a push-pull effect to motivate specific populations. Regardless of different types of land development, it might increase the land value which benefits landowners and consortia, facilitate the development and contribute vibrancy to the region. Finally, the controversial issues are not only the rebound and redistribution of land expropriation, but also the local industrial morphology which is expropriated and changed.


Airport MRT Land Development Urbanization


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