  • 學位論文


Efficient Prediction of Significant Trends Using Social Media Data : Case Studies on Stock Market

指導教授 : 曾新穆




In many fields, predicting future trends of items is highly valuable. Predicting which stock prices will suddenly rise on stock market, or which sales of products in commerce will grow, brings us high benefit. A number of researches have already shown that the characteristics of social media are highly relevant to the trends of items in the various domains, like stock prices, book sales, and movie box office revenue. They predict trends of items with social media data to improve accuracy. However, their goals are to predict the direction of the movement during the given period. In actual practice, only knowing the direction of the trend without the variation will limit the value. Therefore, in this thesis, we design a novel framework that can efficiently predict significant trends and effectively combine historical data of items with social media data. We can extract features from social media and then quickly find out the potential items which have significant trends. It reduces the unnecessary computation and achieves efficiency. Through empirical evaluation on real data, our proposed method outperforms than the other methods on efficiency and effectiveness. The result indicates that in the prediction of significant trends, our method can achieve both of efficiency and effectiveness at the same time.


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