  • 學位論文


A Study on the User Behavior of Online Live Streaming of Fitness

指導教授 : 王明月 許吉越


網路直播具有即時性與互動性,其中健身直播更是近兩年內興起 的直播題材之一,本研究以民眾最偏好收看的直播平台 Facebook 為 例,並以觀看與使用健身直播者為研究對象,運用整合性科技接受模 式驗證健身直播使用者之行為。以 SPSS20.0 進行預試問卷之項目分 析、信度分析,正式問卷以網路方式發放共回收 150 份有效問卷,並 以 Smart PLS 2.0 進行驗證性因素分析及結構方程模式分析。研究結 果發現整合性科技接受模式各構面均達顯著影響,而且健身直播使用 者在整合性科技接受模式具有正向影響效果,然而調節變項中僅有年 齡能顯著調節社會影響對行為意向之影響,以及經驗顯著調節有利條 件對使用行為之影響,並發現知覺有趣性能增加使用者使用健身直播 之意圖。根據研究結論健身教學直播需要使觀眾具有參與感、娛樂性、 營造快樂的健身氣氛,才能提升關注度與增加社群平台使用者的點閱 率。


Online Live stream is instant and interactive, and one of the most popular subjects in the past two years is the live streaming of fitness. This study takes Facebook, the most popular live stream platform, as an example. And the subjects of the study are those who watch and use live stream of fitness. The Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) is used to verify the behavior of the users in this study. SPSS 20.0 for item analysis and reliability analysis of pre-test Paper, the formal questionnaire was distributed online and 150 valid questionnaires were collected, and using Smart PLS 2.0 for confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation model analysis. The results show that there are significant impact in each structure of UTAUT, in addition, the users of fitness live streaming have positive effects in UTAUT. However, only age can moderate the influence of social influence on behavior intention and experience significantly moderate the influence of favorable conditions on user behavior. It also found that perceived playfulness can increase the intention of users to use live stream of fitness. According to the results of the research, the live streaming of fitness teaching needs to make the audience have a sense of participation, entertainment, and create a happy atmosphere of fitness in order to increase attention and the number of views from users of social platform.


Live streaming UTAUT Facebook Fitness


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