  • 期刊


A Study on Pre-trained Word2Vec Model in Deep Learning Based Natural Language Processing


當利用深度學習以進行語意分析、機器翻譯、文字分類等與自然語言處理(Natural Language Processing, NLP)領域相關應用時,我們需要事先準備及訓練詞嵌入(word embeddings)。在詞嵌入中各詞向量之品質,將直接影響深度學習模型的準確率,本研究旨在探討應用深度學習於自然語言處理時,要如何利用Word2Vec模型來學習詞嵌入的向量表示,經過此預處理步驟後,未來可將這些詞向量輸入深度學習之判別模型,來生成預測結果,以及處理各種有趣的應用。


When using deep learning for semantic analysis, machine translation, text classification and other relative applications in the field of Natural Language Processing (NLP), we must prepare and train the word embeddings in advance. The quality of word embeddings in each word vector will directly affect the accuracy rate of deep learning model. The aim of this study is to explore how to use the Word2Vec model to learn the vector representation of word embeddings when applying deep learning to natural language processing. After this preprocessing step, the word vectors will be input into the deep learning discriminant model to generate prediction results and to handle various interesting applications in the future.


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