  • 期刊


Discussion of the Differences of Personal Noise Sampling and Area Sampling under Existing Rules


勞工個人噪音暴露量一般以個人噪音劑量計(personal dosimeter)之測值為準。但因個人噪音劑量計每次只測定一人,其成本負擔不輕。因此本文欲以噪音計(sound level meter)之區域採樣測值和個人噪音劑量計之個人採樣測值相比較,嘗試建立一複廻歸模式以探討用噪音計預測個人噪音暴露量之可行性。將相似作業之勞工,歸為同一個作業區,每個作業區隨機取數人,配戴個人噪音劑量計半個工作天,及利用噪音計測定5分鐘之均能音量(Equivalent Sound Level),扣除23筆不合適之資料後,共得l41筆資料。利用複廻歸方程式分析,以噪音計測值及個人噪音劑量計測定過程中有出現超過115、140 dBA之高噪音訊號,三個變項來預利個人噪音劑量計之則值,則三個變項皆達統計之顯著差異(P=0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0178),表示作業環境中,有超過115 dBA之短暫高噪音出現時,會使本文噪音計測定值低估之現象加大。向分項作業區測得結果之比較來看,於鋁和鐵鑄、油漆、研磨、車體裝配等作業,屬於高相關性之作業(r=0.96, 0.94, 0.88, 0.84),而鍛造和壓鑄、機械零件、引擎裝配等作業,兩測定值之相關性較低(r=0.69, 0.67, 0.63)。因此我們推論工廠中,兩到定結果相時隨高及無短暫高噪音出現之作業區,可考慮利用本文之測定方法,先求得兩方法測定值之最適相關方程式,如生產產品無更換,則以後就可利用短暫之噪音計測定來估算其個人噪音暴露量;反之則不適用。


噪音 個人採樣 區域採樣


The most commonly used method to evaluate personal noise exposure is the noise dosimetry method. To determine whether the noise exposure could affect the workers' health, a complete noise survey is essential. To obtain individual noise exposure in a large employee group, however, often takes tremendous time and effort. The purpose of this study is to compare the measurements from personal sampling and area sampling, and to develop an efficient noise survey strategy which can estimate real workers' noise exposure. The employees were categorized into several exposure zones according to the exposure characteristics of noise during their tasks. Several workers were randomly selected from each exposure zones. Each of the selected workers wore noise dosimetry for half of the shift, and a fiveminute noise measurement was taken for each personal sample with a SLM. The result from personal noise dosimetry were compared with the SLM results from the same person. A short term and high noise level of over 115 and 140 dBA were found to indenpendently and significantly affect the dose prediction from the SLM (Using multiple regression analysis, p=0.0001 and p=0.0178). A higher correlation was found between the dosimetry data and the SLM result in the aluminium and iron smelting, painting, grinding, and assembling areas. We conclude that a complete personal noise survey should be performed before the SLM could be used as a reference method to evaluate the workers' noise exposure, and that the SLM may be used to evaluate workers' noise exposure in areas that produce more correlated results between the SLM and dosimetry.
