  • 期刊


The Property of Migrated Sample for the 1990 National Health Survey in Taiwan


本研究以民國七十九年台灣地區國民健康調查中的1030份家戶及4196份個人標本為例,將樣本依照其原登錄地址是否與受訪當時有異,而區分成「原址樣本」與「遷移樣本」兩類,並分析「原址樣本」與「遷移樣木」在基本人口、社會特性,就醫行為、健康行為上是否顯著差異。 研究結果顯示,在家戶樣本部分:遷移樣本在「居住地區」、「家庭結構型態」、「現址居住時間」、「訪談使用語言」箏四項上,與原址樣本有顯著差異。在個人樣本部分:遷移樣本在「年齡」、「教育程度」、「有無職業」「從業身分」、「保險類別」、「訪談使用語言」、「就醫行為」箏五項人口社會特性上,與原址樣本有顯著差異。在就醫行為方面,遷移樣本的就醫方式,在「中藥房配藥」、「自行照顧」兩類上與原址樣本有顯著差異。因此,在台灣地區從事樣本調查工作,對於遷移樣本應儘量追蹤完訪,以避免忽略特殊樣本,提高樣代表性。


The purpose of this study was to examine the differences between migrated and static populations with respect to demographic characteristics, social economic status, medical behavior, and health habit. The data for the analysis came from the 1990 National Health Survey in Taiwan. Samples, 1031 households and 4196 persons, were classified into migrated and static samples populations depend on whether the samples actually visited has the same address as those originally selected. There are two main findings of the study. First, household migrated samples are significantly different from static samples on five variables which include residential area, family structure, length of residency language usage. Second, the individual migrated samples are significantly different from static samples on the following variables: age, education level, occupation, insurance coverage, language, and medical behavior. Thus, the results of this study implicate the importance of following up migrated samples in the process of survey.
