  • 期刊


Adult Smoking Prevalence and Its Relationships with Education and Occupation in Taiwan: Conditions before the Implementation of the Tobacco Hazards Control Act (1993~1996)




成人 吸菸 盛行率 教育 職業


Objectives: Smoking has been recognized as the single most important preventable causes of premature death. Prevalence of tobacco use in a population is an important measure of the magnitude of smoking problem. The purpose of this study is to understand Taiwanese adults' smoking rates and the associated risk factors for smoking before the implementation of the Tobacco Hazards Control Act in 1997. Methods: Data were obtained from three nationwide surveys. Variables including age, sex, education, occupation, and smoking behavior were selected for analysis. Results: Major findings were: (1) For male adults, the highest current smoking rates were found in the subgroups of those aged 25-44 years, technical workers and those with an educational level of junior high school. For female adults, the highest current smoking rate was found in those 65 years and older. The age-adjusted smoking rates for males who currently smoke in 1993, 1994, and 1996 were 50.07%, 51.59%, and 51.89%, respectively. The age-adjusted smoking rates for females who currently smoke for the same years were 2.82%, 6.35% and 4.63%, respectively. (2)After controlling for sex and age, the smoking rate for individuals who currently smoke and for those who have ever smoked were significantly lower for the subgroup of college graduates than for the subgroup of individuals with only an elementary education. Compared to professionals, technical workers had higher smoking rates. (3) Smokers with higher educational levels and those working as professionals had the highest cessation rates. Conclusions: In order to monitor the smoking prevalence in Taiwan, it is imperative to establish a surveillance system. Since education and occupation have been proved to play important roles, researchers and practitioners should use these findings to identify and develop effective strategies for high risk groups.


adult smoking prevalence education occupation


江曉惠(2011)。比較不同菸品健康福利捐對目前吸菸者的戒菸意圖 及吸菸行為變化之差異—以台北市萬華區為例〔碩士論文,臺北醫學大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6831/TMU.2011.00042
