  • 期刊


A Preliminary Study on the Individual Aggregation in Cigarette Smoking, Alcohol Drinking, and betel-nut Chewing in a Health check-up Population


目標:本研究目的為瞭解臺灣地區參加健康檢查之20-64歲成年人在抽菸、飲酒及嚼檳鄉等聚集現象及此一聚集的人口學因素。研究族群包括61,564位(男性:28,129,女性:33,435)在民國85年2月至12月前往某一健康檢查機構實施常規健康檢查之20-64歲的健康檢查民衆。抽菸、飲酒和嚼檳榔習慣的資料是取自健檢民衆在實施健康檢查時所完成之自填填式問卷。生活習慣的個人聚集分析,系以健檢民衆所具有前述三項生活習慣之數目之目的實際觀察比率之比值(O/E ratio)及信賴區間來作比較分析。結果:分析結果顯示,具有兩項生活習慣(男性之O/E ratio-1.40,95%信賴區間[CI]=1.35-1.45:女性具有兩項及以上生活習慣之O/E ratio=10.04,95%CI-8.23-11.21)及同時合併有三項生活習慣(男性之O/E ratio=6.18,95%CI=6.27-7.34)之O/E ratio具有統計學上顯著的意義。多變項的分析結果顯示,在此一健檢族群中,影響前術生活習慣産生個人聚集的顯著人口學因素包括男性、年齡較輕及低教育程度。結論:抽菸、飲酒及嚼食檳鄉這些不利健康的生活習慣在健檢族群中有明顯的個人聚集現象。而且此一個人聚集現象較易出現於男性、年齡較累及低教育程度的健檢者。


抽菸 飲酒 嚼檳鄉 盛行率 個人聚集


Objectives: The authors studied the prevalence of the aggregation of common lifestyle habits, namely, cigarette smoking, alcohol consumption, and betel-nut chewing and the demographic correlates of individual aggregation of these lifestyle behaviors among Taiwanese adults aged 20 to 64. Methods: A total of 61,564 individuals, including 28,129 men and 33,435 women who attended a periodic health check-up program in a private health testing institute between February 1996 and December 1996, were available for analysis. Information on smoking, drinking, and betel-nut chewing habits was ascertained as part of a self-administered questionnaire completed by the examinees upon registration for health testing. The aggregation of lifestyle habits was studied by comparing the observed and expected proportions (O/E ratio) with their 95% confidence intervals (CI) for zero, one, two, and three simultaneously occurring lifestyle habits. Results: The study results showed a significant clustering of lifestyle habits studied; the number of subjects was greater than expected in groups with two (for males, the O/E ratio=1.40, 95% CI=1.35-1.45; for females with two or three lifestyle habits, the O/E ratio=10.04, 95% CI=8.23-11.21) and three (O/E ratio for males: 6.81, 95% CI=6.27-7.34) lifestyle habits. Determinants for this clustering of lifestyle habits included male gender, younger age, and lower educational levels. Conclusions: There was a significant individual aggregation of lifestyle habits including cigarette smoking, alcohol consumption, and betel-nut chewing in the health check-up population studied. In addition, male subjects, younger individuals, and persons with low educational levels had an apparent tendency toward the aggregation in these lifestyle habits.


