  • 期刊


Put the Sword into the Sheath: the Cultural Transmission of the Sword




劍文化 鑄劍 佩劍 劍舞


Swords are closely related to Chinese culture but have not been used in the war for a long time. Therefore, the purpose of this article is to explore the answers to two related questions. Firstly, how can swords still be regarded as "the king of hundred weapons" even after they were replaced in a battle? Secondly, how do swords pass down in Chinese culture? To explore these reasons, we will review and organize the literature and research from a macroscopic perspective, collecting the records of the swordsmanship in the books of the Han Dynasty and the scholars' research concerning the history of martial arts, swordsmanship, and weapons. Through the literature collection, this article will interpret the functions and symbolic meanings of the "sword", especially focusing on history, historical materials, weapons, and culture. As a widely used weapon in the ancient battlefield, swords were gradually replaced during the Eastern Han Dynasty. However, sword did not disappear under the protection of the culture. Swordsmanship practiced by officials was considered to be a special skill, and literati composed poems about swords to describe "how swords spur literati to do better." Furthermore, in some Chinese religions, it is believed that swords are able to dispel demons and eradicate evil. All of these factors made the status of swords promoted and formed a unique culture of swords. In conclusion, from a weapon to a cultural symbol, the sword gradually lost its practical function-killing enemies. Nevertheless, instead of disappearing in the East Asia, the culture of swords gets an opportunity to develop, which successfully passes down from generation to generation.


Sword culture Casting sword Wear a sword Sword dance


[東晉]葛洪,《抱朴子內外篇》(上海,商務印書館,1937 年,《國學基本叢書‧萬有文庫》第二集影印《平津館叢書本》)。
