
體育學報/Physical Education Journal

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中華民國體育學會/National Society of Physical Education, Republic of China,正常發行


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本研究主要目的:探討我國大專院校網球選手對教練的認同趨勢,進而探討網球選手對教練的認同是否影響相互間的關係品質。本研究受試對象為我國大專院校網球選手,計寄發問卷299份,回收有效問卷206份,並以t考驗、單因子變異數分析及典型相關分析等統計方法進行分析。本研究結果如下所述: (一)不同性別網球選手對教練認同無異存在。 (二)體育保送生對教練認同高於非體育保送生。 (三)不同網球球齡的選手對教練認同有差異存在。其中以網球球齡一年以下者,對教練認同低,以球齡十至十二年對教練認同最高。 (四)參與不同層次比賽的選手對教練認同有差異存在。其中以參與「縣級」網球選手對教練認同低於參加亞洲級及世界級選手。 (五)網球選手對教練認同會影響相互間關係品質。

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After aging, Human immune function undergoes adverse change. The immune system is dysregulated and potentially lead to an increased risk of infection, autoimmune disorder, and certain cancers disease in the elder, it is an adversely affect of human health. Taiwan is a country of aging now and the ratio of the elder is increasing. How to increase the function of immune and keep health of the elder is the main topic of science. Long distance running is a kind of exercise that can increase endurance. Whether the long distance running can promote the immune function of the elder or not is worth to investigate. Thus, the purpose of this study is to investigate the affect of regular long distance running on secretion of interleukin- 2, interleukin-4 and T lymphocyte’s proliferation from human mononuclear cell of healthy men. Thirty-three health male will be recruited as subjects, including ten sedentary young (SY) male, twelve sedentary elderly (SE) male and eleven long distance runners (LDR). After 2 weeks of maximal oxygen uptake measured, 150 cc of vein blood was taken, Secretion of IL-2, IL-4 from mononuclear cell and T lymphocyte proliferation was measured, one way ANOVA was used to compare the difference among the three groups. The results of this study were as followed: l) the secretion of IL-2 from monocyte of LDR (20.lug/ml) was significantly less than SY (22.2ug/ml) (P<0.05), There was no significant difference between SE and LDR in the secretion of IL-2 from human monocyte. 2) The secretion of IL-4 from monocyte of LDR (17.69ug/ml) is significant higher than SY (16.31ug/ml) and SE (16. 14ug/ml) (P<0.05), There was no significant difference between SY and SE in the secretion of IL-4 from human monocyte. 3) The proliferation of T Lymphocyte was no significant difference among SY,SE and LDR …… The result showed that the long distance running cannot significantly promote T lymphocyte’s function, but promote B lymphocyte’ regulative function.

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本研究以成功大學羽球校隊男、女各五名候補選手為對象,檢測在一個訓練日中,兩次訓練課前後的血尿素、血紅素、血乳酸和尿蛋白等生化指標的變化,以探討其訓練負荷(訓練強度、訓練量)的安排是否妥當,及選手的身體機能狀態是否良好。  檢測結果,以敘述統計法、單因子變異數分析法(ANOVA)及DUNCAN事後比較法,進行資料處理,再經分析討論之後,獲得以下結論: (一)一個訓練日內的兩次訓練課的訓練強度顯然有所不足。 (二)兩次訓練課的訓練量安排尚屬適當。 (三)選手之身體機能尚未完全恢復,不很理想。

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The purpose of this study was to investigate the hematological parameters after incremental maximal exercise in sixteen male subjects; eight with chronic hepatitis (20.88 ± 1.73 years; CH) and eight of normal health (21.50 ± 0.93 years; Control group). All of the subjects performed exercise on a treadmill to the point of exhaustion. Total white blood cells (WBC), lymphocytes (L), total red blood cells (RBC), hemoglobin (Hb), hematocrit (Hct), and platelet (P) responses were measured in this study. Blood samples were drawn from the subjects previous to their beginning of the exercise (Tl) and subsequently five minutes (T2), three hours (T3), twenty-four, hours (T4), and forty-eight hours (T5) after completion of the exercise. The results showed that while there was no significant difference between the CH group and the C group before the exercise, after completing the exercise, all hematological values except P were significantly higher at the T2 measuring point than at Tl, in both the CH group and the C group. In the WBC levels, there was a than at Tl – in both the CH group and the C group. In the WBC levels, there was a significant difference at T2 between the CH group and the C group (11675 ± 3788vs; 8825 ± 2522 mm-3; p<0.5).Also, almost all parameters returned to pre-exercise levels at T3 except for L, where it returned to below pre-exercise level. In addition, there were significant differences between the value at the T1 and T3 measuring points in both the CH group (36.50 ± 5.90vs; 24.13 ± 8.36%; p<.05) and the C group (34.50 ± 7.09vs; 20.38 ± 6.23%; p<.5). There were no slgnificant changes in any of the other parameters investigatd on this study. The conclusion of this study is that acute incremental maximal exercise will induce an increase in hematological parameters in chronic hepatitis patients and normal individuals. Patients with chronic hepatitis show more negative exercise induced immunological responses than normal individuals.

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The purpose of this study is to understand the effects of exercise, combined with dietary control on body composition and health-related physical fitness of obese children (weight-for-length index, WLI ± 1.25). The health-related physical fitness items include 800-m run (cardiorespiratory fitness), sit-ups (muscular fitness), sit and reach (flexibility), percentage of body fat (body composition) and BMI. Ten children (6 boys and 4 girls), 10.9 ± 1.1years of age, 146.90 ± 8.14 cm in height, and 56.16± 7.44 kg in weight, were included in this study. Subjects were given dietary control guidelines before the experiment, and were asked to record and change in dietary habits everyday during the experiment. Meanwhile, subjects exercised 3 times a week, 50 min. each. The study lasted for 12 weeks. The blood biochemical readings like TC (total cholesterol), TG (triglycerides), HDL (high-density lipoprotein), LDL (low-density lipoprotein), and together with the health-related physical fitness items and body composition variables of the subjects were recorded both before and after the experimental period. Here are the results: l.The average height of the subjects increased significantly (p-value<0.05). The average weight dropped by 1 kg but was notsi gnificant. 2.In the body composition, the average percentage of body fat dropped significantly and the average net weight increased significantly. 3.In the health-related physical fitness, significant progress were observed in every item. 4.In the blood biochemical readings, none of them changed significantly. But the HDL readings of the subjects were all below the normal level both before and after experiment.

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運動訓練已被證實有助於刺激骨質增生、減緩骨質流失,而雌激素治療是目前臨床上治療停經骨質疏鬆症的方法,本研究嘗試將兩種有效預防骨質流失的方法加以結合,並以動物實驗的模式對骨骼組織進行下列分析:股骨頸最大受力值、股骨頸受力吸收總能量、骨質密度。實驗結果發現,在生物力學測試方面,運動組的股骨頸最大受力值高於卵巢切除組,但是未達顯著差異,運動組受力吸收總能量與卵巢切除組有明顯差異,並大幅超過未切除卵巢的控制組;骨質密度方面,皮下注射雌激素組的骨質密度高於卵巢切除組,但並未達顯著差異水準,而並用運動訓練以及雌激素治療之SE組股骨頸最大受力值顯著高於卵巢切除組(SE:37.6667, 30.0656),骨質密度亦顯著高於卵巢切除組(SE:5.1661, OC:4.0863),顯示合併兩種方式有加成性效果。

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This study was conducted to investigate the influence of exercise and television viewing on the body mass index (BMI) of Taipei Shan-Shing Elementary School children (305 boys and 287 girls, 10-15 yr.). On an interview basis, data of body weight, height, and the time of exercise and television viewing were collected with a questionnaire. The BMI of 5th and 6th grade children were significantly affected by the gender (P<0.05) but not the age. The exercise time of the school boys was significantly higher than that of the school girls (P<0.05). The television viewing time of the 5th grade girls was significantly lower than those of other school children (P<0.05) investigated in this study. There was no significant difference in the television viewing time among the 5th grade boys and 6th grade boys and girls. The exercise time of the heavy children (BMI> mean+ S. D.) was significantly lower than those of other children (P<0.05). The television viewing time of these heavy children was numerically higher than others, although it did not reach the statistically significant difference. Therefore, in order to prevent the obesity and chronic disease, the outdoor activity and exercise time should be increased, and the time of television and video viewing should be decreased for our children.

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The purpose of the study was to investigate the improving aerobic performance factors after altitude training. Nine distance runners volunteer as the subjects. All of the subjects participated a nine weeks experiment period including 3 weeks preparation, 3 weeks altitude training (1891 meters), and 3 weeks sea level training. They took the same training method and same training intensity. All of the subjects had to 4 times of VO2max tests and the 12-min run. Tests were hold at pre-preparation period (PT), before (BT) and after (AT) altitude training, and three weeks after (3WT) altitude training. One way repeated ANOV A was used to analyze the difference among the tests. Turkey post t-test was utilized if F value was a shown significant difference. The alpha level equaled to .05. The finding of the study was as follows: A significant difference (p<.05) was found in both VO2rnax and the 12-min Run among the tests. AT had significant better of the 12 min-run and VO2rnax than that of PT and BT. However, no difference was found between AT and 3WT. Meanwhile, 3WT had a better (p<.05) VO2max and the 12-min run than BT. The result was indicated the altitude is the major factors that effect one’s aerobic performance during the altitude training.

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The present study examines the feasibility of and differences in measurement of oxygen uptake via lactate threshold using two different methods: the logarithm transformation model and the continuous transformation model. Subjects were eight males form Taipei Teachers’ College Department of Physical Education (age=22.10+/-0.82 years, height=177.10+/-2.92cm; weight=71.66+/-5.74 kg) who submitted to lactate threshold measurements after MacDougall et al. During exercise, blood samples were drawn form the antecubital vein for use as samples in analyzing lactate concentration. The data thus obtained were analyzed using mathematical modeling to determine the oxygen uptake corresponding to an ideal lactate threshold value, and analyzed with t-tests and ANOVA. Results are as follow: 1. The difference between oxygen uptake values obtained through lactate thresholds for logarithm transformation and continuous transformation was not statistically significant (P>.05). 2. The confidence interval for determination of oxygen uptake using lactate threshold through continuous transformation was R=.91. 3. The confidence interval for determination of oxygen uptake using lactate threshold through continuous transformation was R=.95 Based on the preceding results, the following conclusions are obtained: 1. There is no statistically significant difference between oxygen uptake values obtained through lactate thresholds for logarithm transformation and continuous transformation. 2. Logarithm transformation and continuous transformation methods are both reliable and are suitable for promotion and use within Taiwan.