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The mercury pollution of the agricutural and marine environment in Taiwan by chloralkali plant waste was reported before. The purpose of this study is to determine the relationship between the history of occupational mercury exposure and mercury levels in various biological material of chloralkali ex-workers. Mercury concentrations in urine, blood and scalp hair of 40 workers in a chloralkali plant were determinated by cold vapor atomic absorption spectrophotometry. The employment history of workers was collected with a questionnaire. The range and arithmetic mean (± standard error of mean) of mercury levels were 1.6-105.5μg/I and 25.5 (±3.5) μg/l in urine, 1.2-4.4μg/dl and 2.7 (±0.12) μg/dl in blood, and 2.0-258.5μg/g and 24.2 (±8.0) μg/g in hair. For 14 of the workers who were working in the electrolysis tank area and directly exposed to mercury vapor, the blood levels were not different from others. However, the urine and hair levels were significantly elevated in high exposure group (Mann-Whitney test, p<0.05): 42.6 (±6.7) μg/l, 64.4 (±11.5) μg/day in urine and 57.4 (±19.6) μg/g in hair. Moreover, the hair and urine mercury levels was positively correlated (Kendall correlation coefficient = 0.38, P<0.05). These results suggest that urine and hair mercury levels may be used as indices of long-term exposure to mercury, even though these workers have not been working in chloralkali plant for 40 days before this examination.

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膽固醇、三酸甘油酯、高密度脂蛋白膽固醇、低密度脂蛋白膽固醇、血壓及肥胖都是常見的心臟血管疾病的危險因子。本研究的目的在於利用同卵雙胞胎及其父母親的各心臟血管疾病危險因子的測量值,以混合模式的假設,發展類似鑑別分析(discriminant analysis)的方法來估計遺傳率,以評估遺傳和環境作用的相對重要性。父母親及兩個同卵雙胞胎均有測量值的家庭數,因危險因子的不同而異:肥胖度有58個家庭,膽固醇有37個,三酸甘油酯36個,心縮壓43個,心舒壓47個,高密度脂蛋白膽固醇23個,低密度脂蛋白膽固醇21個。本研究所估計的遺傳率,心縮壓爲0.28,心舒壓爲0.57,高密度脂蛋白膽固醇爲0.57-0.65,低密度脂蛋白膽因醇爲0.60-0.70,血清膽固醇爲0.62,血清三酸甘油酯爲0.65-0.70,肥胖度爲0.68-0.73,此結果顯示危險因子受遺傳作用的影響很大。本研究受到樣本數少,變異數不穩定的限制,遺傳率估計值的變動也較大。

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本研究蒐集1963至1991年台灣地區七所公共衛生相關研究所畢業之476位碩、博士研究生所撰574篇畢業論文,經過整理與分類,期望能提供合共衛生研究人員便捷的資訊管道。 研究結果依性質分類,自1980年以來,所有類別的研究論文數量皆顯著增加,尤其是衛生行政類的遞增最快,論文總數達305篇(53.1%);其次,流行病學與生物統計類論文數目次多,共161篇(28.1%);而環境衛生類最少;只有99篇(17.2%)。究其理由。除因公共衛生研究所、研究生的數目增加外,更代表合共衛生專業需求量的成長及多元化,尤其醫務管理研究所的成立,和1994年底即將實行的全民健康保險。公共衛生研究是衛生政策的基礎,而好的品質有賴充份的資訊,本研究開始建立學位論文資料檔案,期能提供研究者參考助益。